
When designing and implementing native applications using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, it is important to retrieve and use query metrics to monitor and optimize the performance of your queries. Query metrics provide valuable insights into query execution, resource utilization, and request units (RUs) consumption. By leveraging the built-in monitoring capabilities of Cosmos DB, you can improve the efficiency and overall user experience of your applications.

1. Enable Metrics Collection

Before you can retrieve query metrics, it is necessary to enable metrics collection on your Cosmos DB account. This can be done either through the Azure portal or programmatically using Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI.

2. QueryExecutionTimeInMs Metric

The QueryExecutionTimeInMs metric provides information about the time taken to execute queries. To retrieve this metric for a specific query, you can query the Cosmos DB metric API using the MetricDefinitions and Metrics endpoints. Below is an example code snippet in C#:

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Scripts;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
string endpointUri = “your-cosmosdb-endpoint”;
string primaryKey = “your-cosmosdb-primary-key”;
string databaseName = “your-database-name”;
string containerName = “your-container-name”;

using (CosmosClient cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(endpointUri, primaryKey))
Database database = cosmosClient.GetDatabase(databaseName);
Container container = database.GetContainer(containerName);

string queryText = “SELECT * FROM c”;
QueryDefinition queryDefinition = new QueryDefinition(queryText);

FeedIterator queryResultSetIterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator(
requestOptions: new QueryRequestOptions
EnableQueryMetrics = true // Enable query metrics

while (queryResultSetIterator.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse currentResultSet = await queryResultSetIterator.ReadNextAsync();
Console.WriteLine($”QueryMetrics: {currentResultSet.QueryMetrics}”);

This code snippet demonstrates how to execute a query and retrieve the query metrics using the Cosmos DB .NET SDK. By setting the EnableQueryMetrics property to true in the QueryRequestOptions, you enable metrics collection. The query metrics can then be accessed through the QueryMetrics property of the FeedResponse object.

3. Request Units (RUs) Consumption

Azure Cosmos DB measures query throughput using Request Units (RUs), which represent the cost of executing a query in terms of resource utilization. You can retrieve the RU consumption for a query using the TotalRequestCharge property of the FeedResponse object obtained from querying Cosmos DB.

Here’s an example of retrieving the RU consumption using JavaScript in a browser environment:

const endpoint = “your-cosmosdb-endpoint”;
const key = “your-cosmosdb-primary-key”;
const databaseName = “your-database-name”;
const containerName = “your-container-name”;

const client = new CosmosClient({ endpoint, key });
const container = client.database(databaseName).container(containerName);

const query = “SELECT * FROM c”;

const { resources, queryMetrics } = await container.items
.query(query, { enableCrossPartitionQuery: true, populateQueryMetrics: true })

console.log(`QueryMetrics: ${JSON.stringify(queryMetrics)}`);
console.log(`RU Consumption: ${resources.requestCharge}`);

This JavaScript code demonstrates querying Cosmos DB using the JavaScript SDK. The fetchAll() method executes the query and retrieves the query metrics and RU consumption. By setting the populateQueryMetrics option to true, you enable metrics collection.

By retrieving and analyzing query metrics and RU consumption, you can gain insights into query performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your application to achieve optimal efficiency. Remember to modify the code snippets with your actual Cosmos DB endpoint, keys, database name, and container name. Additionally, ensure that you have the relevant SDKs or libraries installed based on your programming language or environment.

By utilizing query metrics in your native applications built with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, you can effectively monitor and optimize query performance, resulting in improved efficiency and enhanced user experience.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which Azure Cosmos DB metric provides information about the number of requests made to a specific database account?

a) Request Charge

b) Total Requests

c) Throttled Requests

d) Request Units Consumed

Correct answer: b) Total Requests

True or False: The Azure Cosmos DB metrics API allows you to retrieve query metrics for a specific time range.

Correct answer: True

Which of the following metrics can be used to monitor the performance of your Azure Cosmos DB queries? (Select all that apply)

a) Average Indexing Latency

b) Query Execution Time

c) Query Result Count

d) Throttled Requests

Correct answer: b) Query Execution Time, c) Query Result Count

Which Azure Cosmos DB metric indicates the amount of provisioned throughput utilized by a query?

a) Request Charge

b) Throttled Requests

c) Query Execution Time

d) Request Units Consumed

Correct answer: d) Request Units Consumed

True or False: The Azure Portal provides a graphical interface to view and analyze Azure Cosmos DB query metrics.

Correct answer: True

Which metric records the duration of time a request was waiting in the Azure Cosmos DB gateway queue?

a) Request Charge

b) Request Units Consumed

c) Gateway Latency

d) Throttled Requests

Correct answer: c) Gateway Latency

Which of the following query metrics are available in the Azure Cosmos DB diagnostic logs? (Select all that apply)

a) Average Indexing Latency

b) Query Execution Time

c) Query Result Count

d) Request Charge

Correct answer: a) Average Indexing Latency, b) Query Execution Time, c) Query Result Count

True or False: The Request Charge metric indicates the total number of request units consumed by a query.

Correct answer: False

What does the Average Indexing Latency metric in Azure Cosmos DB represent?

a) The average time taken by a query to execute

b) The amount of time taken to index a document

c) The average number of documents indexed per second

d) The total number of indexing operations performed

Correct answer: b) The amount of time taken to index a document

Which Azure Cosmos DB metric indicates the number of requests that were rejected due to exceeding throughput limits?

a) Request Charge

b) Total Requests

c) Throttled Requests

d) Request Units Consumed

Correct answer: c) Throttled Requests

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Jennie Diaz
1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed post. I now have a better understanding of query metrics in Azure Cosmos DB.

Svitoslav Asaula
1 year ago

I appreciate the section on determining RU consumption. Very helpful!

Madison Nichols
1 year ago

Great insights on the execution metrics for queries!

Svyatoslav Vasyanovich

How do I access query metrics using the .NET SDK?

Oskar Thorsen
1 year ago

Appreciate the breakdown of the different metrics. Helped clarify a lot.

Gelena Roienko
1 year ago

Can query metrics help in optimizing RU costs?

Robin Richardson
1 year ago

Didn’t know about the index hit ratio metric. Very useful!

Addison Roberts
1 year ago

Is there any tool to visualize these metrics?

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