
To migrate between standard and autoscale throughput in Azure Cosmos DB using PowerShell or Azure CLI, you can leverage the Azure Cosmos DB management capabilities provided by these tools. This article will guide you through the process, demonstrating how to switch between standard and autoscale throughput modes programmatically.

Azure Cosmos DB Overview

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service offered by Microsoft Azure. It provides scalable throughput and global distribution, making it an excellent choice for building highly available and performant native applications.

Migrating between standard and autoscale throughput involves modifying the throughput policy of your Azure Cosmos DB account. The process can be automated and simplified using PowerShell or Azure CLI scripts. Let’s explore how to perform this migration using both approaches.

Migrating using PowerShell

PowerShell provides a rich set of cmdlets for managing Azure resources, including Azure Cosmos DB. To migrate between standard and autoscale throughput using PowerShell, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the Azure PowerShell module

If you haven’t already installed the Azure PowerShell module, you can install it by running the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az

Step 2: Connect to your Azure account

Connect to your Azure account by running the following command and following the authentication instructions:


Step 3: Select the Azure Cosmos DB account to migrate

Select the Azure Cosmos DB account you want to migrate by running the following command:

$cosmosDbAccount = Get-AzCosmosDBAccount -ResourceGroupName '' -Name ''

Replace ‘<resource-group-name>’ with the name of the resource group where your Azure Cosmos DB account resides, and ‘<cosmos-db-account-name>’ with the name of your Azure Cosmos DB account.

Step 4: Switch to autoscale throughput

To switch your Azure Cosmos DB account to autoscale throughput, run the following command:

$autoscaleSettings = @{
'maxThroughput' = 4000 # The maximum autoscale throughput in Request Units (RUs)

Set-AzCosmosDBAccount -ResourceGroupName $cosmosDbAccount.ResourceGroupName -Name $cosmosDbAccount.Name -Kind $cosmosDbAccount.Kind -Location $cosmosDbAccount.Location -DefaultConsistencyLevel $cosmosDbAccount.DefaultConsistencyLevel -LocationObject $cosmosDbAccount.LocationObject -Throughput $autoscaleSettings

Replace ‘4000’ with your desired maximum autoscale throughput value.

Step 5: Switch to standard throughput

To switch your Azure Cosmos DB account to standard throughput, run the following command:

Set-AzCosmosDBThroughput -ResourceGroupName $cosmosDbAccount.ResourceGroupName -Name $cosmosDbAccount.Name -Throughput 400

Replace ‘400’ with your desired standard throughput value.

Migrating using Azure CLI

Azure CLI is a cross-platform command-line interface provided by Microsoft to interact with Azure resources. To migrate between standard and autoscale throughput using Azure CLI, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Azure CLI

If you haven’t already installed Azure CLI, you can follow the installation instructions provided at

Step 2: Log in to your Azure account

Log in to your Azure account by running the following command and following the authentication instructions:

az login

Step 3: Select the Azure Cosmos DB account to migrate

Select the Azure Cosmos DB account you want to migrate by running the following command:

cosmosDbAccount=$(az cosmosdb show --resource-group --name --query "{id:id,kind:kind,location:location}" --output json)

Replace ‘<resource-group-name>’ with the name of the resource group where your Azure Cosmos DB account resides, and ‘<cosmos-db-account-name>’ with the name of your Azure Cosmos DB account.

Step 4: Switch to autoscale throughput

To switch your Azure Cosmos DB account to autoscale throughput, run the following command:

az cosmosdb update --resource-group $(echo $cosmosDbAccount | jq -r .id | awk -F'/' '{print $5}') --name $(echo $cosmosDbAccount | jq -r .id | awk -F'/' '{print $9}') --locations "$(echo $cosmosDbAccount | jq -r .location)" --default-consistency-level $(echo $cosmosDbAccount | jq -r .kind) --max-throughput 4000

Replace ‘4000’ with your desired maximum autoscale throughput value.

Step 5: Switch to standard throughput

To switch your Azure Cosmos DB account to standard throughput, run the following command:

az cosmosdb update --resource-group $(echo $cosmosDbAccount | jq -r .id | awk -F'/' '{print $5}') --name $(echo $cosmosDbAccount | jq -r .id | awk -F'/' '{print $9}') --throughput 400

Replace ‘400’ with your desired standard throughput value.


Migrating between standard and autoscale throughput in Azure Cosmos DB can be accomplished programmatically using PowerShell or Azure CLI. Both approaches offer the flexibility to switch between throughput modes based on your application requirements. By leveraging the Azure Cosmos DB management capabilities provided by these tools, you can seamlessly adapt your throughput configuration to meet the changing needs of your native applications.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which command can be used to migrate a Cosmos DB container from standard throughput to autoscale throughput using PowerShell or Azure CLI?

a) `az cosmosdb collection migrate`
b) `az cosmosdb collection update`
c) `az cosmosdb migrate collection`
d) `az cosmosdb autoscale-throughput`

Correct Answer: b) az cosmosdb collection update

True or False: Autoscale throughput automatically scales the provisioned throughput of a Cosmos DB container based on the workload.

Correct Answer: True

When migrating from standard to autoscale throughput, which parameter is required while using the Azure CLI command az cosmosdb collection update?

a) –collection-name
b) –throughput
c) –autoscale-max-throughput
d) –resource-group

Correct Answer: c) –autoscale-max-throughput

True or False: Autoscale throughput can only be applied to newly created Cosmos DB containers and cannot be applied to existing containers.

Correct Answer: False

Which PowerShell cmdlet can be used to migrate a Cosmos DB container from standard to autoscale throughput?

a) `Set-AzureRmCosmosDBCollection`
b) `Update-AzCosmosDBCollection`
c) `Set-CosmosDBContainerThroughput`
d) `ConvertTo-CosmosDBAutoscale`

Correct Answer: b) Update-AzCosmosDBCollection

True or False: When migrating from autoscale to standard throughput, all data in the Cosmos DB container will be lost.

Correct Answer: False

Which parameter is used to specify the throughput value while migrating from autoscale to standard throughput using the Azure CLI command az cosmosdb collection update?

a) –collection-name
b) –throughput
c) –autoscale-max-throughput
d) –resource-group

Correct Answer: b) –throughput

True or False: Migrating from standard to autoscale throughput will result in a temporary downtime for the Cosmos DB container.

Correct Answer: False

What is the maximum limit of provisioned throughput (RU/s) for a Cosmos DB container using standard throughput?

a) 10,000
b) 100,000
c) 500,000
d) 1,000,000

Correct Answer: b) 100,000

True or False: The throughput value specified during migration is applied instantly to the Cosmos DB container.

Correct Answer: True

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Sophia Sirko
11 months ago

Thanks for this detailed post! Migrating between standard and autoscale throughput in Cosmos DB has been a challenge for me.

Philippe Gauthier
1 year ago

Can someone explain the difference between standard and autoscale throughput?

Sebastian Anderson
10 months ago

Appreciate the tips on using PowerShell for migration.

Carice Wijdeven
1 year ago

Is it possible to script both PowerShell and Azure CLI in a single CI/CD pipeline for this?

Demid Posunko
1 year ago

Thanks! This will really help with DP-420 exam prep.

Zlatousta Slaboshpickiy

How would you handle a large-scale migration with minimal downtime?

Cameron Romero
1 year ago

This blog is very informative. Thanks!

Vladana Tasić
1 year ago

For autoscale throughput, how do I monitor if it’s correctly adjusting according to the usage?

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