
When working with large datasets in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, it’s essential to implement efficient querying mechanisms. One such mechanism is the use of a continuation token. In this article, we will guide you through the process of designing and implementing native applications that utilize a continuation token in Azure Cosmos DB.


Before you can start implementing the query operation, make sure you have set up an Azure Cosmos DB account. You can either create a new account or use an existing one. Additionally, create a container within your Cosmos DB account to store the data. Define the schema, indexing policies, and other settings based on your application requirements.

Inserting Data into the Container

In order to illustrate the query operation, let’s assume that we have already inserted some sample data into the container. We can use the .NET SDK to insert a document into the container:

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;

// Create a new CosmosClient instance
CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(“connection-string”);

// Get the container reference
Container container = client.GetContainer(“database-id”, “container-id”);

// Create a new document
MyDocument document = new MyDocument
Id = “1”,
Name = “John Doe”

// Insert the document into the container
await container.CreateItemAsync(document);

Implementing the Query Operation

Now, let’s implement the query operation that utilizes a continuation token:

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using System;

// Create a new CosmosClient instance
CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(“connection-string”);

// Get the container reference
Container container = client.GetContainer(“database-id”, “container-id”);

// Define the SQL query
string query = “SELECT * FROM c”;

// Set the feed options
QueryRequestOptions requestOptions = new QueryRequestOptions
MaxItemCount = 10, // Number of items to retrieve per page
MaxConcurrency = 1, // Number of concurrent operations
PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(“partition-key-value”)

// Execute the query
FeedIterator queryIterator = container.GetItemQueryIterator(
continuationToken: null, // Set to null for the first page

while (queryIterator.HasMoreResults)
FeedResponse response = await queryIterator.ReadNextAsync();

// Process the retrieved documents
foreach (MyDocument document in response)

// Get the continuation token for the next page
string continuationToken = response.ContinuationToken;

Let’s break down the code:

  • Step 1: We create a new instance of the CosmosClient and obtain a reference to the container where the data is stored.
  • Step 2: We define the SQL query that selects all items from the container.
  • Step 3: We set the feed options, including the maximum number of items to retrieve per page (in this example, 10), the maximum concurrency level (1 operation at a time), and the partition key value.
  • Step 4: We initialize the query iterator by passing the query, null for the initial continuation token (as this is the first page), and the feed options to the GetItemQueryIterator method.
  • Step 5: We iterate through the results while there are more pages available.
  • Step 6:Inside the loop, we process the retrieved documents as required. In this example, we simply print the document names.
  • Step 7: After processing the documents, we obtain the continuation token from the response using response.ContinuationToken. This token can be used to retrieve the next page of results in subsequent iterations.
  • Step 8: The process continues until all data has been retrieved.

By utilizing the continuation token, your application can fetch query results in a paginated manner, optimizing performance and reducing strain on system resources.

As a conclusion, implementing a query operation with a continuation token is a powerful technique to retrieve large datasets from Azure Cosmos DB efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can design and build native applications that leverage the scalability and performance benefits of Azure Cosmos DB.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which of the following operations can be performed using a continuation token in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) Inserting a new document

b) Updating an existing document

c) Querying large result sets

d) Deleting a document

e) All of the above

Correct answer: c) Querying large result sets

True or False: A continuation token is a string that represents the state of a query and can be used to retrieve the next set of results.

Correct answer: True

When querying large result sets in Azure Cosmos DB, the continuation token is returned in the result set’s ____________.

a) First document

b) Last document

c) Metadata

d) Query options

Correct answer: c) Metadata

Which HTTP response header is used to return the continuation token?

a) Content-Type

b) X-Cosmos-ContinuationToken

c) Authorization

d) Cache-Control

Correct answer: b) X-Cosmos-ContinuationToken

In which programming languages can you implement a query operation using a continuation token in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) C#

b) Java

c) Python

d) All of the above

Correct answer: d) All of the above

True or False: A continuation token expires after a specified period of time.

Correct answer: True

How do you pass a continuation token to retrieve the next set of query results in Azure Cosmos DB?

a) Include the continuation token as a query parameter in the URL

b) Add the continuation token as an HTTP header in the request

c) Append the continuation token to the end of the query string

d) All of the above

Correct answer: b) Add the continuation token as an HTTP header in the request

When using a continuation token, how does Azure Cosmos DB handle the underlying query execution?

a) Pauses execution and resumes from the last known state when the token is provided

b) Executes the query again from the beginning

c) Returns an error and requires requerying from the beginning

d) None of the above

Correct answer: a) Pauses execution and resumes from the last known state when the token is provided

How can you determine if the continuation token returned in the response indicates there are more results available?

a) Check if the continuation token is null

b) Check if the continuation token is empty

c) Check if the continuation token is equal to the requested page size

d) None of the above

Correct answer: b) Check if the continuation token is empty

True or False: A continuation token can be used to retrieve results from a specific page number.

Correct answer: False

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Oneide Rocha
9 months ago

Great post! The explanation of continuation tokens is very clear.

Victor Petersen
1 year ago

Thank you for this detailed article. It really helped me understand how to manage large datasets in Cosmos DB.

Sophie Evans
10 months ago

How does the continuation token work when the dataset changes between queries?

Storm Christensen
1 year ago

Can someone explain the difference between continuation tokens and pagination tokens?

Flaviana Nunes
1 year ago

Amazing, helped me a lot with my exam preparation!

Rhianne Donkervoort
1 year ago

Much appreciated! This is a lifesaver for Cosmos DB query operations.

Vladeta Jeremić
1 year ago

I struggle with implementing continuation tokens in distributed systems. Any advice?

Julius Lakso
1 year ago

This is very helpful, thank you.

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