

Always Encrypted is a powerful feature in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB that provides an additional layer of security for sensitive data. With Always Encrypted, data is encrypted at rest and in transit, ensuring that even the database administrators or anyone with unauthorized access cannot access the plaintext data.

Implementation Steps

Step 1: Provision an Azure Cosmos DB account

First, create an Azure Cosmos DB account if you don’t already have one. You can do this through the Azure portal or programmatically using the Azure SDKs.

Step 2: Create a container with encryption enabled

Next, create a container in your Azure Cosmos DB account and enable encryption for the container. You can do this by defining a container with a partition key and specifying the encryption settings. Here’s an example of container creation using the Azure Cosmos DB SDK for .NET:

var client = new CosmosClient("connection-string");
var database = await client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync("my-database");
var containerResponse = await database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(
new ThroughputProperties(400));

var response = await containerResponse.Container.Encryption().EnableEncryptionAsync(
new EncryptionOptions
DataEncryptionKeyId = "my-key-id",
EncryptionAlgorithm = CosmosEncryptionAlgorithm.AEAES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256_RANDOMIZED,
PathsToEncrypt = { "sensitiveField" }

In the example above, the EnableEncryptionAsync method is called to enable encryption for the container. The EncryptionOptions object specifies the encryption key, algorithm, and the path to the sensitive field that needs to be encrypted.

Step 3: Generate a column encryption key in Azure Key Vault

To use Always Encrypted, you need a column encryption key. Create a column encryption key in Azure Key Vault and store it securely. Make sure to grant the necessary permissions to your Azure Cosmos DB account to access the key vault.

Step 4: Configure column encryption in your application

To configure column encryption in your application, you need to add the necessary code to fetch the column encryption key from Azure Key Vault and associate it with the sensitive field. Here’s an example of how you can retrieve the column encryption key and configure column encryption for a specific field:

var encryptionProperties = new EncryptionProperties
EncryptionType = "Deterministic",
EncryptionAlgorithm = CosmosEncryptionAlgorithm.AEAES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256_RANDOMIZED,
ColumnEncryptionKeyId = "my-column-key-id",
ColumnEncryptionKeyVersion = "1.0"

var response = await containerResponse.Container.Encryption().SetEncryptionOptionsAsync(

In the above code, the SetEncryptionOptionsAsync method is used to specify the encryption options for the sensitiveField. The EncryptionProperties object contains the necessary information about the encryption type, algorithm, and the column encryption key.

Step 5: Perform CRUD operations on encrypted data

Once you have configured column encryption, you can perform CRUD operations on the encrypted data using the Azure Cosmos DB SDK. Here’s an example of inserting an encrypted document into the container:

var document = new
id = "1",
sensitiveField = "Hello, Secret!"

var response = await containerResponse.Container.CreateItemAsync(document, new PartitionKey("1"));

In the example above, the CreateItemAsync method is used to insert the encrypted document into the container. The sensitive field (sensitiveField) will be automatically encrypted using the configured column encryption.

With these steps, you have successfully implemented Always Encrypted in your native applications using Azure Cosmos DB. By encrypting sensitive data at rest and in transit, you can ensure the security and privacy of your data, even in the event of unauthorized access.

Note: Always Encrypted requires the use of Azure Key Vault, and additional configuration might be needed to set up Azure Key Vault and manage the access policies.

Remember to refer to Microsoft’s official documentation for a more detailed understanding and additional features of Always Encrypted in Azure Cosmos DB. Happy coding!

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: Always Encrypted is a feature of Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB that enables you to encrypt sensitive data at rest and in motion.


Which of the following database encryption methods does Always Encrypted support in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB? (Select all that apply.)

  • a) Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
  • b) Column-level encryption
  • c) File-level encryption
  • d) Full Database Encryption

Answer: b) Column-level encryption

True or False: Always Encrypted in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB ensures that encryption keys are stored in the same database as the encrypted data, providing an additional layer of security.


Select the statement that best describes the encryption process with Always Encrypted in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB:

  • a) Data is encrypted using advanced encryption algorithms and stored in a different Azure region.
  • b) Encryption keys are created and managed by the Azure Key Vault, ensuring separation of duties.
  • c) Encryption is performed on the client-side, allowing the application to control access to the encryption keys.
  • d) Data is automatically encrypted as it is written to the database, without any additional configuration required.

Answer: c) Encryption is performed on the client-side, allowing the application to control access to the encryption keys.

True or False: Always Encrypted in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB supports searching, sorting, and filtering encrypted data without decrypting the data on the client side.


Which of the following client libraries support Always Encrypted in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB? (Select all that apply.)

  • a) .NET
  • b) Java
  • c) Python
  • d) Node.js

Answer: a) .NET

True or False: Always Encrypted with secure enclave protection in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB provides an additional layer of security by storing encryption keys in a hardware-based secure enclave.


How does Always Encrypted with secure enclave protection in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB ensure the security of encryption keys? (Select all that apply.)

  • a) Keys are protected against unauthorized access using encryption.
  • b) Keys are stored in a separate Azure Key Vault.
  • c) Keys are protected by a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).
  • d) Keys are encrypted and stored within the same secure enclave as the data.

Answer: c) Keys are protected by a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).

True or False: Always Encrypted in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB can be used with both Azure Cosmos DB SQL API and MongoDB API.


When using Always Encrypted with secure enclave protection in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB, which component is responsible for decrypting the data on the client side?

  • a) Azure Key Vault
  • b) Hardware Security Module (HSM)
  • c) Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
  • d) Secure Enclave Processor

Answer: c) Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)

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Phillip Cooper
1 year ago

Great overview on implementing Always Encrypted in Azure Cosmos DB! Very informative.

Ernst-Dieter Zipfel
1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed steps, it really helped me understand the process better.

Anja Orlić
1 year ago

The practical example provided here made things so much clearer. Much appreciated!

José Molina
1 year ago

Can anyone explain how Always Encrypted works with the built-in roles in Cosmos DB?

Hristofor Martinyuk
1 year ago

Just implemented Always Encrypted following this guide. Worked like a charm!

Barbara Fitzgerald
1 year ago

Any tips on managing encryption keys effectively?

Marlúcia da Luz
1 year ago

I appreciate the clarity in the guidance provided here.

Kevin Reynolds
1 year ago

Does using Always Encrypted affect the performance of Cosmos DB queries?

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