
Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service provided by Microsoft Azure. It offers a variety of APIs and connectors to enable seamless integration with different data sources and platforms. In this article, we will explore how to move data using the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector, which allows us to connect Azure Cosmos DB with Apache Spark.


To get started, you need to have the following prerequisites:

  1. An Azure Cosmos DB account: Create a Cosmos DB account using the Azure portal. Make sure to select SQL API as the API type while creating the account.
  2. Apache Spark: Install Apache Spark on your development machine or cluster. You can download it from the Apache Spark website.

Using the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector

Once you have the prerequisites in place, follow the steps below to use the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector:

Step 1: Include the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector library

Include the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector library in your Spark application. You can add the dependency in your build file or specify it using the --packages option while submitting your Spark job.

For example, if you are using Maven, add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:

Step 2: Configure the connection settings

Configure the connection settings for Azure Cosmos DB. Specify the Cosmos DB account endpoint, master key, and database name.

val endpoint = “[Cosmos DB account endpoint]”
val masterKey = “[Cosmos DB account master key]”
val database = “[Cosmos DB database name]”

You can find these values in the Azure portal under “Keys” and “Settings” for your Cosmos DB account.

Step 3: Read data from Azure Cosmos DB

Read data from Azure Cosmos DB into Spark RDD or DataFrame using the package.

Read data into an RDD:


val rdd = spark.sparkContext.loadFromCosmosDB(Map(
“Endpoint” -> endpoint,
“Masterkey” -> masterKey,
“Database” -> database,
“Collection” -> “[Cosmos DB collection name]”,
“query_custom” -> “[SQL query to filter data]”

Read data into a DataFrame:


val df =
“Endpoint” -> endpoint,
“Masterkey” -> masterKey,
“Database” -> database,
“Collection” -> “[Cosmos DB collection name]”,
“query_custom” -> “[SQL query to filter data]”

Step 4: Write data to Azure Cosmos DB

Write data from Spark RDD or DataFrame to Azure Cosmos DB using the saveToCosmosDB method.

Write an RDD to Cosmos DB:

“Endpoint” -> endpoint,
“Masterkey” -> masterKey,
“Database” -> database,
“Collection” -> “[Cosmos DB collection name]”

Write a DataFrame to Cosmos DB:

“Endpoint” -> endpoint,
“Masterkey” -> masterKey,
“Database” -> database,
“Collection” -> “[Cosmos DB collection name]”

That’s it! You have successfully moved data using the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector. You can now leverage the power of Apache Spark to process and analyze the data stored in Azure Cosmos DB.

In conclusion, the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector provides a seamless integration between Azure Cosmos DB and Apache Spark, allowing you to read and write data efficiently. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily move data between Azure Cosmos DB and Spark RDDs or DataFrames. Start leveraging the combined capabilities of Azure Cosmos DB and Apache Spark to build powerful data-driven applications in the cloud.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True/False: The Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector allows you to move data between Azure Cosmos DB and Spark without the need for any additional coding.

Correct Answer: True

Which of the following programming languages are supported by the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector?

  • a) Java
  • b) Python
  • c) Scala
  • d) C#

Correct Answer: All of the above (a, b, c, and d)

True/False: The Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector supports both read and write operations between Azure Cosmos DB and Spark.

Correct Answer: True

Which of the following data types are supported for moving data through the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector?

  • a) JSON
  • b) BSON
  • c) CSV
  • d) Parquet

Correct Answer: All of the above (a, b, c, and d)

Which command is used to establish a connection between Spark and Azure Cosmos DB using the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector?

  • a) connectToCosmosDB()
  • b) loadFromCosmosDB()
  • c) saveToCosmosDB()
  • d) readFromCosmosDB()

Correct Answer: a) connectToCosmosDB()

True/False: The Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector automatically handles the partitioning of data between Spark executors when moving data between Azure Cosmos DB and Spark.

Correct Answer: True

Which configuration option is used to specify the Azure Cosmos DB endpoint URL when using the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector?

  • a) spark.cosmosdb.connection.endpoint
  • b) spark.cosmosdb.connection.uri
  • c) spark.cosmosdb.endpoint.url
  • d) spark.cosmosdb.uri

Correct Answer: a) spark.cosmosdb.connection.endpoint

True/False: The Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector supports loading data from multiple containers within Azure Cosmos DB into Spark simultaneously.

Correct Answer: True

Which method is used to load data from Azure Cosmos DB into a Spark DataFrame using the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector?

  • a) loadCosmosDB()
  • b) readCosmosDB()
  • c) importCosmosDB()
  • d) ingestCosmosDB()

Correct Answer: b) readCosmosDB()

True/False: The Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector allows you to define a query to filter the data you want to load from Azure Cosmos DB into Spark.

Correct Answer: True

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Anja Đokić
1 year ago

This post on the Azure Cosmos DB Spark Connector is really insightful. Thanks for sharing!

Alexander Thomsen
1 year ago

How does this connector perform compared to traditional ETL tools?

Murat Fontai
1 year ago

Really appreciate this detailed guide.

Iina Sippola
1 year ago

Can this connector be used for migrating existing databases to Cosmos DB?

Kine Tomter
1 year ago

I found the partitioning section a bit confusing. Could anyone clarify?

Jacob Crawford
1 year ago

Thanks for the guide, it’s incredibly useful!

Heidi Næss
1 year ago

How would you handle failures during data transfer?

Brianna Morales
11 months ago

This was a bit too basic; would love to see more advanced use cases.

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