Data archiving is an essential process for managing large amounts of data in applications. It ensures data integrity, regulatory compliance, and improves performance by removing outdated or infrequently accessed data from active databases. This article will guide you through the implementation of data archiving using the change feed feature in Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB.
Step 1: Create an Azure Cosmos DB Account
To begin, create an Azure Cosmos DB account by following these steps:
- If you don’t have an Azure subscription, sign up for a free account.
- Refer to the documentation on how to create an Azure Cosmos DB account to create your account.
Step 2: Choose an API and Configure Data Model
Next, select the appropriate API based on your data model requirements. Azure Cosmos DB supports various NoSQL data models, including key-value, document, graph, and columnar. Set up your containers or collections accordingly and ensure that the containers have a TTL (Time to Live) property defined.
Step 3: Enable the Change Feed Feature
Follow these instructions to enable the change feed feature in your Azure Cosmos DB account:
- Open your Azure Cosmos DB account in the Azure portal.
- In the left-hand menu, navigate to “Data Explorer” and click on “Change Feed.”
- Enable the change feed by toggling the button.
Step 4: Implement Archiving Logic
Now it’s time to implement your archiving logic using Azure Functions and the change feed feature. Here’s an example implementation in C#:
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.ChangeFeedProcessor;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
public static class DataArchivingFunction
public static void Run(
databaseName: "your-database",
collectionName: "your-container",
ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnectionString",
LeaseCollectionName = "leases")] IReadOnlyList
[Blob("archival-container/{DateTime:yyyy}/{DateTime:MM}/{Guid}.json", FileAccess.Write)] CloudBlockBlob archivalBlob,
ILogger log)
foreach (var document in input)
// Check archiving criteria
if (IsArchivable(document))
// Serialize and move the document to the archival storage
var serializedDocument = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(document);
private static bool IsArchivable(Document document)
// Implement your archiving criteria logic here
// For example, check if the document is older than a specific date
var createdDate = document.GetPropertyValue
var retentionDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(-1);
return createdDate < retentionDate;
In this example, an Azure Function is created to process the change feed events triggered by the Cosmos DB container. The function checks the archiving criteria for each document and moves the qualifying documents to an archival storage, such as Azure Blob Storage.
Make sure to configure the necessary connection strings and access rights for your Azure Functions app, Azure Cosmos DB, and archival storage account.
By utilizing the change feed feature in Azure Cosmos DB, you can easily implement an efficient and scalable data archiving solution. The change feed provides a reliable stream of data changes, enabling seamless integration with other Azure services and custom logic for archiving.
Answer the Questions in Comment Section
True/False: Azure Cosmos DB automatically archives data by using a change feed.
Answer: False
True/False: Data archiving in Azure Cosmos DB requires manual implementation using a change feed.
Answer: True
Which of the following can trigger a change feed in Azure Cosmos DB? (Select all that apply)
- a) Document creation
- b) Document modification
- c) Document deletion
- d) Collection creation
Answer: a), b), c)
When using a change feed, which Azure service can be used to process and react to changes in Azure Cosmos DB?
- a) Azure Event Hubs
- b) Azure Functions
- c) Azure Logic Apps
- d) Azure Stream Analytics
Answer: a), b), c)
True/False: A change feed in Azure Cosmos DB provides a sorted view of the changes in a collection.
Answer: True
Which programming languages can be used to consume a change feed in Azure Cosmos DB? (Select all that apply)
- a) C#
- b) Java
- c) Python
- d) JavaScript
Answer: a), b), c), d)
True/False: Change feed can be used to implement incremental processing in Azure Cosmos DB.
Answer: True
What is the maximum retention period for change feed events in Azure Cosmos DB?
- a) 1 day
- b) 7 days
- c) 30 days
- d) 90 days
Answer: c) 30 days
True/False: Change feed events are stored in a separate Azure Cosmos DB collection.
Answer: True
How often does a change feed iterator need to be checkpointed to ensure processing continuity?
- a) Every minute
- b) Every hour
- c) Every day
- d) Checkpointing is not necessary for change feed iterators
Answer: d) Checkpointing is not necessary for change feed iterators
Great post! Implementing data archiving using change feeds in Azure Cosmos DB looks like a game-changer.
Does anyone have any experience with the performance impact when enabling change feed for large datasets?
What’s the best strategy to handle the retention period for the archived data?
Thanks for this information, it’s really helpful.
Is there any way to automate the setup for data archiving with change feeds?
This topic is quite beneficial. Thanks!
Very informative blog post!
Useful guide, but I’m curious about handling GDPR compliance when archiving data.