
The Azure Cosmos DB change feed allows you to consume and react to changes in your database in real-time. By using the SDK for Azure Cosmos DB, you can easily integrate the change feed into your application. This article will guide you through the steps to consume a change feed from within your application using the SDK.

Step 1: Initialize the Cosmos DB Client

To get started, you need to initialize the Azure Cosmos DB client in your application. This client will be used to interact with the database and consume the change feed. Here’s an example of how to initialize the client using the C# SDK:

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ChangeFeed;

string connectionString = "";
CosmosClient cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(connectionString);

Step 2: Get the Database and Container References

Next, you need to obtain references to the specific database and container within Azure Cosmos DB. This will allow you to listen for changes in the desired container. Here’s an example:

string databaseName = "";
string containerName = "";

Database database = await cosmosClient.GetDatabase(databaseName).InitializeAsync();
Container container = await database.GetContainer(containerName).InitializeAsync();

Step 3: Enable Change Feed Processor on the Container

Now that you have the container reference, you can enable the change feed processor on it. The change feed processor will receive the change events and allow you to process them within your application. Here’s an example:

ChangeFeedProcessor changeFeedProcessor = container.GetChangeFeedProcessorBuilder("MyProcessorName", HandleChangesAsync)

// Handle change events
async Task HandleChangesAsync(IReadOnlyCollection changes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach (ChangeFeedProcessorContext change in changes)
Console.WriteLine($"Detected operation for item with id: {change.GetResource().Id}");
// Process change event
// Your custom logic here
await changeFeedProcessor.CheckpointAsync(cancellationToken);

Step 4: Start the Change Feed Processor

Once the change feed processor is set up, you can start consuming the change feed events by starting the processor. Here’s how to start the change feed processor:

await changeFeedProcessor.StartAsync();

Optional: Stop the Change Feed Processor

If you want to stop consuming the change feed events at any point, you can stop the change feed processor. Here’s an example:

await changeFeedProcessor.StopAsync();

Now, your application is ready to consume change feed events from the specified Azure Cosmos DB container. You can customize the handling logic to meet your specific requirements.


  • Replace with the connection string for your Azure Cosmos DB account.
  • Replace with the name of your database.
  • Replace with the name of your container.

The change feed processor enables you to listen to changes in your Azure Cosmos DB container and react to them in real-time. It eliminates the need for continuous polling of the database for updates, making your application more efficient and responsive.

By incorporating the change feed processor into your application, you can easily build event-driven architectures, real-time analytics, and workflows triggered by data changes. The Azure Cosmos DB change feed provides a powerful mechanism for building reactive applications that respond to changes in your database.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which of the following is NOT required to consume a change feed from within an application using the SDK?

a) A compatible version of the Cosmos DB client SDK
b) A change feed processor
c) An Azure Cosmos DB account with change feed enabled
d) A Kafka cluster for message processing

Correct answer: d) A Kafka cluster for message processing

True or False: The change feed in Azure Cosmos DB allows you to monitor and react to changes in your data in real-time.

Correct answer: True

What is the primary purpose of the change feed?

a) To store historical versions of documents in Cosmos DB
b) To provide a near real-time feed of data changes for processing
c) To synchronize data between different Cosmos DB accounts
d) To enforce data consistency and transactional integrity

Correct answer: b) To provide a near real-time feed of data changes for processing

With which programming languages can you consume the change feed using the Cosmos DB SDK? (Select all that apply)

a) C#
b) Java
c) Python
d) PHP

Correct answer: a) C#, b) Java, c) Python

When using the Cosmos DB SDK, which class is used to read the change feed?

a) ChangeFeedContext
b) DocumentClient
c) ChangeFeedProcessor
d) ChangeFeedIterator

Correct answer: d) ChangeFeedIterator

True or False: The change feed allows you to retrieve the entire history of changes for a Cosmos DB container.

Correct answer: False

What is a recommended approach for processing the change feed in a distributed environment?

a) Each instance of the application processes all change events
b) The change feed is evenly partitioned among multiple instances
c) Only the primary instance of the application processes change events
d) The change feed is randomly distributed among all instances

Correct answer: b) The change feed is evenly partitioned among multiple instances

Which consistency level is recommended for consuming the change feed?

a) Strong consistency
b) Bounded staleness
c) Session consistency
d) Eventual consistency

Correct answer: d) Eventual consistency

True or False: The change feed processor can automatically handle the scalability and partition management of your application.

Correct answer: True

What is the maximum duration for lease ownership in the change feed processor?

a) 30 seconds
b) 5 minutes
c) 15 minutes
d) 1 hour

Correct answer: c) 15 minutes

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Tom Alexander
1 year ago

Great blog post! Implementing change feed through the SDK has simplified a lot of processes for me.

Audrey Lawson
1 year ago

This is very insightful. But how would you handle scenarios where the change feed has to process millions of records?

Ticiana da Mota
1 year ago

Does consuming a change feed impact the performance of the database itself?

Leah Richardson
1 year ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation!

Milka Blažić
1 year ago

What happens if you miss processing some records in the change feed?

Vilho Wirta
1 year ago

Nice read! What is the role of leases in change feed processing?

Francisco Javier Bustos

This really helped me prepare for the DP-420 exam.

Phoebe Daniels
1 year ago

Is there a way to filter the changes we receive via change feed?

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