
Facilitative listening is a crucial skill needed to drive effective conversations and decision making during meetings. It promotes understanding, helps attendees feel heard, and enables the leader or the ScrumMaster to steer the meeting towards its objective. An Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) needs to exhibit excellent facilitative listening skills for effective meetings/events.

I. Understanding Facilitative Listening

Facilitative listening is a communication approach where the listener actively participates in the conversation, not just to respond, but to understand and empathize with the speaker. It goes beyond merely hearing the message to analyzing non-verbal cues, underlying emotions, intentions, and context.

II. Facilitative Listening Techniques

1. Active Listening

Active listening requires the listener to fully concentrate, understand, respond, and then remember what is being said in a conversation.

Implementation in ScrumMaster Role:

The A-CSM can use active listening to foster trust among team members. For example, in a sprint retrospective, active listening can help the ScrumMaster understand each team member’s perspective on the things that went well and what needs improvement. By responding relevantly and remembering these discussions, the A-CSM can ensure continuous improvement.

2. Reflective Listening

Reflective Listening involves paraphrasing and summarizing the speaker’s words to confirm understanding and show empathy.

Application in ScrumMaster Role:

During backlog grooming sessions, the A-CSM can use reflective listening to confirm each user story’s understanding. By repeating or summarizing a user story, the ScrumMaster ensures that all team members align in understanding the task, thereby avoiding miscommunication or potential roadblocks.

III. Comparison of the Techniques:

Technique Benefits on team Implementation
Active Listening Fosters trust among the team Sprint retrospectives
Reflective Listening Avoid miscommunication Backlog grooming sessions

IV. Enhancing Facilitative Listening:

An A-CSM can enhance their facilitative listening skills through practices such as:

  • Mindfulness: It’s crucial to stay present and focused during communication. Avoid distractions, do not interrupt the speaker, and control the urge to pass judgments immediately.
  • Open-Ended Questions: Give space to the speaker for providing detailed answers, which leads to better understanding and insight.
  • Body Language: Maintain eye contact, nod, or express acknowledging expressions to show the speaker that you’re attentive.

V. Conclusion

In a Scrum environment, where collaborative decision-making precedes effectiveness, the power of facilitative listening cannot be undermined. An A-CSM, as a facilitator, must employ the techniques of active and reflective listening to ensure not just effective meetings but also foster a culture of understanding, empathy, and trust within the team. Through constant practice and mindfulness, the ScrumMaster can gradually enhance these imperative skills.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: Facilitative listening techniques like mirroring and paraphrasing can contribute to more effective meetings/events in a Scrum setting.

• True
• False


As a ScrumMaster, using facilitative listening techniques, such as summarizing and questioning, can lead to which of the following? (Multiple Select)

• a) Clearer communication
• b) Better understanding of stakeholder needs
• c) Increase in project budget
• d) More effective meetings

a) Clearer communication

b) Better understanding of stakeholder needs

d) More effective meetings

True or False: “Silence” is not a facilitative listening technique for effective meetings/events.

• True
• False


Which of the following statements best describe the facilitative listening technique ‘Active listening’? (Single Select)

• a) It involves the listener interrupting the speaker whenever they have something to add.
• b) It involves the listener passively taking in information without responding or providing feedback.
• c) It involves the listener providing feedback, asking questions and avoiding distractions.
• d) It requires only hearing the speaker, without necessarily understanding their point of view.

c) It involves the listener providing feedback, asking questions and avoiding distractions.

True or False: In facilitative listening, ScrumMasters should only focus on the content of what’s being spoken, ignoring non-verbal communication cues during meetings.

• True
• False


As an A-CSM, to ensure effective meetings/events, you should: (Multiple Select)

• a) Encourage open discussions and dialogue
• b) Apply facilitative listening techniques, like summarizing and clarifying
• c) Dominate the conversation to maintain control
• d) Avoid asking questions to avoid distractions

a) Encourage open discussions and dialogue

b) Apply facilitative listening techniques, like summarizing and clarifying

True or False: Mirroring, as a facilitative listening technique, involves reiterating the speaker’s key points in your own words to ensure understanding.

• True
• False


Which technique demands the listener to show empathy and understand the emotions of the speaker in a Scrum environment? (Single Select)

• a) Active listening
• b) Reflective listening
• c) Paraphrasing
• d) Summarizing

b) Reflective listening

True or False: In facilitative listening, you should avoid providing feedback until the speaker has finished their statement.

• True
• False


Which of the following elements are important in facilitative listening for a ScrumMaster? (Multiple Select)

• a) Empathy and understanding
• b) Focusing solely on problem-solving
• c) Interpreting non-verbal cues
• d) Reflecting and summarizing major points

a) Empathy and understanding

c) Interpreting non-verbal cues

d) Reflecting and summarizing major points

True or False: Effective facilitative listening can help build rapport, trust, and openness in the Scrum Team.

• True
• False


Which of the following facilitative listening techniques involves repeating back what you heard to verify understanding in a Scrum meeting? (Single Select)

• a) Paraphrasing
• b) Summarizing
• c) Mirroring
• d) Questioning

a) Paraphrasing

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Arian Rupp
10 months ago

Great post! I completely agree that active listening is crucial for effective meetings.

Åsne Rydland
1 year ago

I find paraphrasing an effective technique to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Matilda Wuori
10 months ago

There’s a lot to learn from effective listening techniques for Scrum Masters.

Adam Ross
11 months ago

What other facilitative listening techniques can be applied aside from active listening and paraphrasing?

Montserrat León
1 year ago

Thanks for the informative post!

Gerlinde Kolodziej
9 months ago

I use open-ended questions to encourage more detailed responses in my meetings.

Leroy Lynch
1 year ago

Not all participants are aware of the importance of these listening techniques.

Anton Hansen
1 year ago

I appreciate the practical tips shared in this blog post.

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