Tutorial / Cram Notes

S3 Object Lock is a feature that allows you to prevent object version deletion during a specified retention period. It can be used to meet regulatory requirements that require WORM (Write Once Read Many) storage, or to add an additional layer of protection against object changes and deletions.

To use S3 Object Lock, you first need to enable it on a bucket level. After that, you can apply retention periods at the object level using either a retention period or a legal hold:

  • Retention Period: Specifies a fixed period during which an object is protected from deletion.
  • Legal Hold: Places a lock on an object indefinitely until you explicitly remove it.

Example: Applying a Retention Period

“RetainUntilDate”: “2023-12-31T23:59:59.000Z”

Retention periods can be set in Governance mode, which allows users with specific permissions to alter or remove the lock, or Compliance mode, which prevents any user from removing the lock before the retention period expires.

S3 Glacier Vault Lock

S3 Glacier Vault Lock is designed for long-term archiving and provides a WORM model for S3 Glacier vaults. You can create and enforce compliance controls with a Vault Lock policy, which can help you meet legal or regulatory requirements.

After initiating a Vault Lock policy, you have a 24-hour window during which you can test and validate your policy before locking it. Once the Vault Lock policy is locked, it cannot be changed or deleted.

An example of a Vault Lock policy:

“Sid”: “Define-vault-lock”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Principal”: “*”,
“Action”: “glacier:DeleteArchive”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:glacier:region:account-id:vaults/vault-name”,
“Condition”: {
“NumericLessThan”: {
“glacier:ArchiveAgeinDays”: “3650”

S3 Lifecycle Policies

S3 Lifecycle policies allow you to manage object lifecycles by defining rules that automate actions like transitioning objects to different storage classes or deleting them after a certain period.

Lifecycle policies can help reduce costs by transitioning data that’s less frequently accessed to lower-cost storage classes, such as S3 Standard-IA, S3 One Zone-IA, or S3 Glacier. You can also define expiration rules to delete objects that are no longer needed.

Example: Transitioning objects to S3 Glacier after 30 days and deleting after 365 days:

“Rules”: [
“ID”: “TransitionToGlacier”,
“Filter”: {
“Prefix”: “”
“Status”: “Enabled”,
“Transitions”: [
“Days”: 30,
“StorageClass”: “GLACIER”
“Expiration”: {
“Days”: 365


Feature S3 Object Lock S3 Glacier Vault Lock S3 Lifecycle Policy
Use Case WORM compliance, Prevention of object deletion Long-term archival with WORM compliance Automating transitions between storage classes, Managing object expiration
Retention Period or Conditions By date or indefinite (legal hold) Defined in Vault Lock policy, typically long-term Configured in days from object creation or from becoming a noncurrent version
Modification after Lock Not possible in Compliance mode, allowed by specific IAM roles in Governance mode Cannot be changed once locked Can be changed or deleted anytime

In conclusion, to properly design lifecycle mechanisms that meet the required retention periods in AWS S3, you need to understand the use cases and capabilities of S3 Object Lock, S3 Glacier Vault Lock, and S3 Lifecycle policies. These tools, when configured correctly, can not only ensure compliance with data retention policies but can also optimize storage cost management on AWS.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: S3 Object Lock can be applied to S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage classes.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: S3 Object Lock can be applied to S3 Standard, S3 Standard-IA, and S3 One Zone-IA storage classes, but it doesn’t apply to S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive.

Which AWS feature allows you to enforce retention policies and legal holds on objects?

  • S3 Versioning
  • S3 Lifecycle policy
  • S3 Object Lock
  • S3 Glacier Vault Lock

Answer: S3 Object Lock

Explanation: S3 Object Lock allows you to enforce retention policies and hold on objects to meet regulatory requirements.

What is the purpose of S3 Glacier Vault Lock?

  • To encrypt the data stored in S3
  • To apply and enforce compliance controls for data retention
  • To automatically delete data after a set period
  • To lock the bucket from being deleted

Answer: To apply and enforce compliance controls for data retention

Explanation: S3 Glacier Vault Lock is used to apply and enforce compliance controls on S3 Glacier vaults for data retention.

True or False: An S3 Lifecycle policy can transition objects to the S3 Glacier storage class but cannot move them to the S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: An S3 Lifecycle policy can transition objects not only to the S3 Glacier storage class but also to S3 Glacier Deep Archive.

What operation would you perform to ensure that an object is retained in S3 for exactly 5 years and then is automatically deleted?

  • Enable S3 Versioning
  • Apply S3 Object Lock with a 5-year retention period
  • Configure S3 Lifecycle policy to transition to Glacier for 5 years and set expiration
  • Use S3 Glacier Vault Lock with a 5-year policy

Answer: Configure S3 Lifecycle policy to transition to Glacier for 5 years and set expiration

Explanation: An S3 Lifecycle policy can be configured to transition objects to a Glacier storage class and then set the objects to expire after 5 years.

Which feature must be enabled before you can apply S3 Object Lock to a bucket?

  • MFA Delete
  • Bucket Versioning
  • Transfer Acceleration
  • Default Encryption

Answer: Bucket Versioning

Explanation: You must enable bucket versioning before you can apply S3 Object Lock to the objects.

True or False: Once an S3 Glacier Vault Lock policy is in effect, it can be easily modified or deleted by the account owner.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Once a Glacier Vault Lock policy is locked, it can no longer be modified or deleted.

What S3 feature enables the automatic deletion of incomplete multipart uploads after a pre-defined period?

  • S3 Object Lock
  • Bucket Versioning
  • S3 Lifecycle policy
  • MFA Delete

Answer: S3 Lifecycle policy

Explanation: An S3 Lifecycle policy can be configured to automatically delete incomplete multipart uploads after a specified number of days.

True or False: S3 Lifecycle policies can be applied to S3 buckets but not to individual objects within a bucket.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: S3 Lifecycle policies can be applied to the whole bucket or to a subset of objects within the bucket using prefixes and object tags.

What is the minimum duration that an S3 object must remain in the S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class before it can be deleted, according to AWS’s policy?

  • 30 days
  • 90 days
  • 180 days
  • 1 day

Answer: 90 days

Explanation: According to AWS policy, objects must remain in the S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class for a minimum of 90 days before they can be deleted.

True or False: Legal holds provided by S3 Object Lock can be placed on a bucket or object regardless of its current retention mode.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: Legal holds can indeed be applied independently of the object’s retention mode and prevents the object from being deleted.

If a company requires immutable storage for certain documents to comply with regulations, which S3 feature should they implement?

  • Bucket Versioning
  • Transfer Acceleration
  • S3 Object Lock with WORM (Write Once, Read Many) model
  • S3 Intelligent-Tiering

Answer: S3 Object Lock with WORM (Write Once, Read Many) model

Explanation: S3 Object Lock with WORM allows for immutable storage which meets the compliance requirements for immutability.

Interview Questions

What is the primary purpose of implementing an S3 Lifecycle policy, and how does it contribute to cost efficiency in AWS?

The primary purpose of an S3 Lifecycle policy is to manage objects automatically as they go through different stages of their lifecycle to optimize costs on AWS. It allows for the transition of data to less expensive storage classes and can be used to automatically archive or delete data that is no longer required, thereby saving on storage costs.

Can you explain the difference between S3 Standard, S3 Standard-IA, S3 One Zone-IA, and S3 Glacier storage classes, and when you would use each in terms of data lifecycle?

S3 Standard is for frequently accessed data, S3 Standard-IA (Infrequent Access) for data that is accessed less frequently but requires immediate access when needed, S3 One Zone-IA is similar to Standard-IA but stored in a single Availability Zone, and S3 Glacier is for data archiving with retrieval times ranging from minutes to hours. The usage depends on the access patterns and cost-efficiency needs of the data lifecycle.

How does the S3 Object Lock feature enhance the security of the stored data, especially for compliance purposes?

S3 Object Lock enhances security by allowing a user to set retention periods on objects, preventing deletion or modification for the duration of the retention period. This WORM (Write Once, Read Many) feature is crucial for compliance with regulatory requirements that necessitate data immutability.

Could you detail the steps involved in creating a Vault Lock policy in S3 Glacier, including the lock-down period?

To create a Vault Lock policy in S3 Glacier, you start by initiating a Vault Lock, writing the policy and applying it to the vault, and then you have a 24-hour lock-down period during which you can test and validate the policy. Once finalized and the lock-down period is over, the policy is enforced and can no longer be changed.

Describe a scenario where the S3 Lifecycle policy would transition objects to a different storage class, and then ultimately expire them?

An example scenario would be a company retaining access logs for analysis. New logs are frequently accessed for the first 30 days, so they are kept in S3 Standard. After 30 days, the logs are accessed infrequently, triggering a transition to S3 Standard-IA. After 180 days, logs are rarely accessed and moved to S3 Glacier. Finally, after 365 days, the logs are expired and deleted as they are no longer needed for analysis or compliance.

What’s important to consider when defining the transition actions in an S3 Lifecycle policy?

Key considerations include the access patterns of your data, retrieval time requirements, cost implications of each storage class, the minimum storage duration for each class, and the operational overhead associated with data retrieval from archival storage options like S3 Glacier.

In the context of S3, explain the term “lifecycle expiration action” and provide an example of its use.

Lifecycle expiration action refers to the automatic deletion of objects after a specified period as defined in the policy. This is useful for compliance with data retention policies where data needs to be retained for a certain period, like tax documents that must be kept for seven years before they can be safely deleted.

How does the S3 Glacier Vault Lock differ from S3 Object Lock, in terms of its use-cases?

S3 Glacier Vault Lock is designed for long-term archival data where the entire vault gets locked down with an immutable policy that cannot be altered after it’s activated, which is ideal for compliance and archival scenarios. S3 Object Lock, however, allows for individual objects to be locked, offering more granularity and flexibility for use-cases that might not require long-term immutability but still need protection against deletion or modification.

If a company needs to ensure that certain data is retained for compliance reasons but is rarely accessed, which S3 Lifecycle action would help achieve this, and what additional feature could be used for an extra layer of protection?

The company can use the transition to S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive action for long-term, low-cost storage suited for rarely accessed data. For extra protection, they can use S3 Vault Lock to apply an immutable policy to the Glacier Vault preventing alterations to the stored data.

Is it possible to apply an S3 Lifecycle policy to a subset of objects within a bucket, and how would you achieve this?

Yes, it is possible to apply a lifecycle policy to a subset of objects in a bucket by using prefix and tag filtering. You can specify a prefix (like a folder path) or assign tags to objects and create lifecycle rules that target only those with specific prefixes or tags.

When setting up a cross-region replication (CRR) on Amazon S3, how does the S3 Lifecycle policy affect the replicated objects?

S3 Lifecycle policies can be set both on the source and destination buckets. If versioning is enabled with CRR, the lifecycle policy on the source bucket might affect which version gets replicated. Meanwhile, the lifecycle policy on the destination bucket manages how replicas are stored, transitioned, or expired independently of the source.

How can S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis be used alongside S3 Lifecycle policies to optimize cost?

S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis helps identify access patterns and the potential to transition data to cost-effective storage classes. This analysis can inform and refine S3 Lifecycle policies to transition data at the most appropriate times, ensuring that storage costs are optimized while maintaining access requirements.

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Emily Andersen
8 months ago

Great blog post! I found the explanation on S3 Object Lock really helpful. Thanks!

Zlatan Kojić
9 months ago

I’m curious about the difference between S3 Object Lock and S3 Glacier Vault Lock. Could someone clarify?

Galina Jelačić
9 months ago

How can I integrate S3 Lifecycle policy with IAM policies for better data management?

Todor Sokolović
9 months ago

Thanks for this detailed guide! It’s exactly what I needed.

Alicia Diez
9 months ago

I feel that S3 Object Lock is more suitable for frequent access requirements, while S3 Glacier Vault Lock is better for long-term archival. Any thoughts?

کیمیا احمدی

Can S3 Lifecycle policies be used to transition objects to Glacier automatically after a certain period?

Christina Rose
9 months ago

This post is a lifesaver. I was struggling with understanding retention periods in S3.

Mathilde Jørgensen
9 months ago

Is it possible to set different retention periods for different types of data using S3 Lifecycle policies?

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