
Technical debt represents the implied cost of additional rework that an organization acquires due to impulsive design or development within a system. Just like financial debt, if technical debt is not promptly addressed, it accumulates ‘interest’, making it harder to implement changes in the future. Understanding and managing technical debt is crucial for anyone preparing for the Advanced Certified Scrum Developer (A-CSD) examination as it directly aligns with the Scrum philosophy of constant and incremental developments while maintaining high-quality software production.

I. Causes of Technical Debt

There are several reasons why technical debt can accrue in a project. Here, we examine three primary causes.

  1. Business Pressure:

    Often, the business team may push for speedy delivery to capitalize on a market opportunity. The development team, under pressure to deliver quickly, might cut corners, leading to code that’s not optimally designed and thereby incurring technical debt.

  2. Lack of knowledge or skills:

    If a team lacks the necessary skills or knowledge about the best practices, technologies, or system architecture, they may unknowingly introduce technical debt into the system. This can be due to coding mistakes, disregarding design principles, or not adhering to coding standards.

  3. Outdated Technology:

    Sometimes, running your system on an obsolete technology stack can contribute to technical debt. Newer technologies may offer more efficiency, but making the transition can be a dense jungle of rewriting and restructuring.

II. Addressing Technical Debt

Each identified cause of technical debt calls for a specific mitigation strategy. We will focus on addressing technical debt caused by a lack of knowledge or skills.

  1. Continuous Learning:

    Ensuring that the development team constantly upgrades their knowledge extends beyond the scope of individual betterment. It significantly reduces the chances of creating technical debt. This can be achieved through regular training sessions, attending webinars, seminars, or workshops, seeking mentorship and pushing for certifications such as the A-CSD.

  2. Code Reviews:

    Performing frequent code reviews helps identify and address any improper coding practices. Peer-review practices such as Pair Programming not only help catch coding errors but also promote knowledge sharing within the team.

  3. Use of Static Code Analysis Tools:

    These tools are designed to parse code and identify problematic patterns that human reviewers might miss. Issues detected at this stage are often much cheaper and quicker to fix than those found later in the development cycle.

Here is a comparative table summarizing these strategies:

Strategy Benefits Implementation
Continuous Learning Keeps team updated with best practices Regular training, seminars, webinars, pursuing certifications
Code Reviews Promotes team-wide learning and catches coding errors Pair Programming, regular review sessions
Static Code Analysis Tools Identifies problematic patterns Use of tools like PMD, Checkstyle, SonarQube

For example, a project undertaken by a company observed that a major portion of their technical debt was arising because of the poor coding practices of a few team members who were not properly versed with the language’s best practices. Implementing a combination of a code review policy along with weekly training sessions addressing these lacunae helped reduce the accrual of technical debt significantly.

In conclusion, technical debt is an inevitable part of software development that can significantly hamper productivity if not properly managed. Understanding its causes and adopting good practices to prevent its accumulation is crucial for all Advanced Certified Scrum Developers.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True/False: Technical debt describes the probable future cost resulting from poor system design or software development within a project.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: Technical debt refers to the implied cost of additional work caused by choosing an easy (often limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.

True/False: Technical debt can lead to the scrum team taking more time to deliver projects.

  • True
  • False

Answer: True

Explanation: An accumulation of technical debt tends to slow down the software development process and therefore, it can take more time for a team to deliver a project.

Which of the following are possible causes of technical debt? (Select all that apply)

  • A) Poor project planning
  • B) Lack of documentation
  • C) Insufficient testing
  • D) Inadequate manpower

Answer: A, B and C

Explanation: Poor project planning, lack of documentation and insufficient testing are all potential causes that can lead to technical debt. Inadequate manpower doesn’t lead directly to technical debt, it could contribute if it leads to corners being cut.

Single Select: When is technical debt acquired?

  • A) Only during the development phase
  • B) During the implementation phase
  • C) After the project is completed
  • D) Throughout the life cycle of software development

Answer: D

Explanation: Technical debt can be acquired throughout the life cycle of software development, not just during specific phases.

True/False: Regular refactoring does not help in addressing technical debt.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Refactoring, or the process of restructuring existing computer code, is a fundamental strategy to address technical debt.

Who is responsible for managing technical debt?

  • A) Developers
  • B) Project Managers
  • C) Stakeholders
  • D) All of the above

Answer: D

Explanation: Technical debt is a collective responsibility including developers, project managers and stakeholders. All have a role in ensuring that it’s not ignored and is addressed as necessary.

True/False: Technical debt always results from bad programming.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: Technical debt can also result from strategic decisions, where an organization decides to do things the quicker way with the understanding that they’ll have to revisit it later.

Technical debt applies to only:

  • A) Front-end design
  • B) Internal API design
  • C) Software architecture
  • D) All of the above

Answer: D

Explanation: Technical debt can apply to all aspects of software including front-end design, internal API design, and software architecture.

True/False: Scrum teams should always strive to have zero technical debt.

  • True
  • False

Answer: False

Explanation: While no technical debt is ideal, it is acknowledged that some technical debt is often unavoidable in complex, deadline-driven projects. The goal is to manage and reduce it where possible.

Single Select: When under-resourced, what could help a Scrum team tackle technical debt?

  • A) Ignoring the debt
  • B) Allocating specific time for debt issues in each sprint
  • C) Hiring more developers
  • D) Investing in more expensive software

Answer: B

Explanation: Allocating specific time to address technical debt in each sprint can help to manage and gradually reduce it. This approach breaks the debt down into manageable chunks which can be addressed over time.

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Veera Jarvi
11 months ago

Great post on technical debt! I think one of the primary causes of technical debt is cutting corners to meet tight deadlines.

Ülkü Aydan
10 months ago

Thanks for explaining technical debt. For me, accumulating technical debt often happens because of lack of proper documentation.

Wissam Boerlage
11 months ago

Awesome blog post! I appreciate the clarity.

Ceyhan Köylüoğlu
10 months ago

In my experience, one major cause of technical debt is frequent changes in project requirements.

Koray Beşok
1 year ago

Addressing lack of documentation can start with a culture change that values detailed technical documentation.

Greta Guillot
9 months ago

I think the blog should have included more about how to maintain code quality over time.

Juan Angulo
1 year ago

Meeting deadlines can lead to rushed, subpar code, which is another form of technical debt.

Katharine Moser
10 months ago

Thanks for the detailed explanation!

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