

As a Microsoft Power Platform App Maker, understanding how to create a publisher in Dataverse is essential. Publishers in Dataverse help organize and manage solutions, applications, and components within the environment. This article will guide you through the process of creating a publisher, leveraging information from Microsoft’s official documentation. Let’s get started!

1. Accessing the Power Platform Admin Center

To create a publisher in Dataverse, you need to begin by accessing the Power Platform Admin Center. Follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Open a web browser and navigate to the Power Platform Admin Center website.
  2. Step 2: Sign in using your Office 365 global administrator or Power Platform administrator credentials.
  3. Step 3: Once signed in, click on the “Environments” tab in the left-hand navigation menu.
  4. Step 4: Locate the environment in which you want to create the publisher and click on it.

2. Accessing the Environment settings

Once you have selected the appropriate environment, you need to access its settings. Here’s how:

  1. Step 1: In the environment details view, click on the “Settings” tab.
  2. Step 2: Under “Settings,” click on the “Solutions” option.

3. Navigating to Publishers

Within the Solutions settings, you will find the Publishers section. Follow these steps to reach the Publishers page:

  1. Step 1: Click on the “Publishers” tab in the Solutions settings.
  2. Step 2: You will now be on the Publishers page, where you can view the existing publishers within the environment.

4. Creating a Publisher

To create a new publisher within the environment, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: On the Publishers page, click on the “+ New” button.
  2. Step 2: In the subsequent “Create a new publisher” window, fill in the required details.

– Publisher Name: Enter a unique name for the publisher.

– Unique Name: This field is auto-generated based on the publisher name but can be modified.

– E-mail: Enter the email address associated with the publisher.

– Description: Provide a brief description to identify the purpose of the publisher.

  1. Step 3: Review the summary of the publisher details and click on the “Create” button.

5. Modifying Publisher Details

After creating the publisher, you may need to modify its details. Here’s how:

  1. Step 1: From the Publishers page, locate the publisher you want to modify.
  2. Step 2: Click on the publisher’s row to open the publisher details pane.
  3. Step 3: On the publisher details pane, click on the “Edit” button.
  4. Step 4: Update the desired fields (e.g., Publisher Name, Unique Name, E-mail, or Description).
  5. Step 5: After making the necessary changes, click on the “Save” button to save your modifications.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully create a publisher in Dataverse for your Microsoft Power Platform environment. Publishers provide a convenient means of organizing and managing solutions and components. Remember, practice and hands-on experience in managing publishers will further enhance your skills as a Power Platform App Maker. Good luck!

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which of the following actions can be performed by a publisher in Dataverse?

  • a) Create and manage tables
  • b) Create and manage records
  • c) Create and manage apps
  • d) All of the above

Correct answer: d) All of the above

True or False: Publishers can only be created by system administrators in Dataverse.

Correct answer: False

What is the primary purpose of a publisher in Dataverse?

  • a) To establish access control for different user roles
  • b) To define the branding and themes for an app
  • c) To manage the deployment and distribution of solutions
  • d) To create and manage custom entities

Correct answer: b) To define the branding and themes for an app

In Dataverse, how can publishers be associated with solutions?

  • a) By granting solution access rights to publishers
  • b) By assigning publishers as solution owners
  • c) By creating a relationship between publishers and solutions
  • d) Publishers cannot be associated with solutions

Correct answer: b) By assigning publishers as solution owners

Which of the following components can be customized using publishers in Dataverse?

  • a) Forms and views
  • b) Business rules and workflows
  • c) Dashboards and charts
  • d) All of the above

Correct answer: d) All of the above

True or False: Publishers in Dataverse are specific to each app and cannot be shared across multiple apps.

Correct answer: False

What is the maximum number of publishers that can be created in Dataverse?

  • a) 10
  • b) 50
  • c) 100
  • d) Publishers can be created without any limitation

Correct answer: d) Publishers can be created without any limitation

Which of the following options are available for assigning permissions to publishers in Dataverse?

  • a) User groups
  • b) Security roles
  • c) Access levels
  • d) All of the above

Correct answer: d) All of the above

True or False: Publishers have the ability to define the default forms and views for tables in Dataverse.

Correct answer: True

What is the purpose of the “Publisher Prefix” in Dataverse?

  • a) To differentiate custom solution components from system components
  • b) To restrict access to certain tables for specific publishers
  • c) To define the regional settings for an app
  • d) Publishers do not have a “Publisher Prefix” in Dataverse

Correct answer: a) To differentiate custom solution components from system components

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Olivier Clark
1 year ago

Has anyone here used Dataverse for creating a publisher? Any tips for a beginner?

Johanna Engebretsen
1 year ago

Appreciate the blog post!

Naja Pedersen
1 year ago

How important is creating a publisher in the context of the PL-100 exam?

Simon Mathieu
1 year ago

How do I make sure that my publisher gets recognized across different environments?

Toledo Lima
1 year ago

Thanks for the insights!

Leo Fox
10 months ago

I’m having trouble with my publisher prefix not showing up in custom entities.

Jaime Korst
1 year ago

Can anyone explain the process of creating a publisher in Dataverse?

Grigoriy Balog
1 year ago

How does creating a publisher affect solution development?

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