Tutorial / Cram Notes

To invite an external user or “guest” individually in Azure AD, an administrator should follow the steps below:

  1. Access Azure AD: In the Azure portal, navigate to the Azure Active Directory service.
  2. Users: Select the “Users” blade and then choose “New guest user”.
  3. Invite user: Fill in the user details such as Name and Email. Optionally, a personal message can be added to the invitation.
  4. Groups and roles (optional): Assign the guest user to any groups or roles, if necessary.
  5. Send invitation: Click the “Invite” button to send the invitation.

Once invited, the external user will receive an email invitation. They must accept this invitation to begin collaborating with the organization.


To invite “John Doe” with the email “john.doe@example.com” and add him to the “Project X” group:

  • Email: john.doe@example.com
  • Name: John Doe
  • Groups: Project X group
  • Personal message: Welcome to the Project X team!

Inviting external users in bulk

For bulk invitations, the process involves using PowerShell scripts or Azure AD B2B (Business to Business) collaboration features. PowerShell provides the flexibility of automating user invitations by running customized scripts to invite users stored in a source such as a CSV file.

Steps for bulk invitation using PowerShell:

  1. Prepare a CSV file: Create a CSV file containing columns such as “DisplayName”, “EmailAddress”, etc.
  2. Connect to Azure AD: Use the Connect-AzureAD cmdlet to sign in to Azure AD with an account that has the required permissions.
  3. Run the invitation script: Execute a PowerShell script that reads the CSV file and uses the New-AzureADMSInvitation cmdlet to invite each user.

PowerShell script example:

$users = Import-Csv -Path “C:\path\to\file\bulk-invites.csv”
foreach ($user in $users) {
New-AzureADMSInvitation -InvitedUserDisplayName $user.DisplayName -InvitedUserEmailAddress $user.EmailAddress -SendInvitationMessage $true -InviteRedirectUrl “https://myapps.microsoft.com”

In bulk invitations, monitoring and tracking the status of the invitations are also crucial. Another PowerShell script can be used to check the acceptance status of the invitations.

Script to check invitation status:

$users = Import-Csv -Path “C:\path\to\file\bulk-invites.csv”
foreach ($user in $users) {
$status = Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $user.EmailAddress
$user | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Status -NotePropertyValue $status.UserState
$users | Export-Csv -Path “C:\path\to\file\invitation-status.csv” -NoTypeInformation

By utilizing PowerShell automation and bulk operations within Azure AD, Microsoft Identity and Access Administrators can efficiently manage large numbers of external users without the need for time-consuming manual processes.

In conclusion, the SC-300 exam content requires that administrators have a comprehensive understanding of methods to invite external users – both individually and in bulk. This knowledge ensures that the process is conducted in a secure and manageable manner, aligned with best practices and the unique requirements of the organization.

Practice Test with Explanation

T/F: You can only invite external users individually but not in bulk in Azure Active Directory.

Answer: False

Explanation: Azure Active Directory allows administrators to invite external users both individually and in bulk using features like PowerShell, Azure portal, or through the Microsoft Graph API.

T/F: An external user invited to Azure AD must have a Microsoft account to access resources.

Answer: False

Explanation: External users can be invited using any email address, and they can create a Microsoft account or use one-time passcode authentication if they don’t have one.

When inviting an external user to Azure AD, which piece of information is required?

  • A) The user’s phone number
  • B) The user’s external email address
  • C) The user’s social security number
  • D) The user’s physical address

Answer: B. The user’s external email address

Explanation: The primary piece of information required to invite an external user to Azure AD is their email address.

T/F: You can configure Azure AD to automatically add external users to a specific group upon acceptance of the invitation.

Answer: True

Explanation: Azure Active Directory supports adding external users to a specific group automatically when they redeem the invitation, provided proper configuration.

What is the main purpose of Azure AD B2B collaboration?

  • A) To manage internal users and groups
  • B) To provide licenses to internal users
  • C) To extend your company’s resources to partner users
  • D) To track user sign-ins

Answer: C. To extend your company’s resources to partner users

Explanation: Azure AD B2B collaboration is primarily used to provide secure access to your company’s resources to partner users, which are external to your organization.

T/F: When sending a bulk invitation to external users, you must use the Azure portal.

Answer: False

Explanation: You can send bulk invitations to external users via PowerShell commands or programmatically using Microsoft Graph API, apart from using the Azure portal.

What is the maximum number of external users you can invite to your Azure AD tenant in a single bulk operation?

  • A) 5
  • B) 50
  • C) 500
  • D) There is no specified maximum

Answer: C. 500

Explanation: Azure Active Directory currently allows up to 500 external users to be invited in a single bulk operation.

Which Azure service can be used to control the level of access that external users have in your tenant?

  • A) Azure Blob Storage
  • B) Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • C) Azure Information Protection
  • D) Azure DevOps

Answer: B. Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Explanation: Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) can be used to precisely control the access level that external users have within your tenant.

T/F: External users can only be granted access to Azure AD if they are part of another Azure AD tenant.

Answer: False

Explanation: External users can access Azure AD resources even if they are not part of another Azure AD tenant, such as users with a Gmail or Yahoo email address.

When an external user is invited to Azure AD, which of the following occurs?

  • A) The user is required to complete a multi-factor authentication challenge immediately.
  • B) An invitation email is sent to the user’s email address containing a redemption link.
  • C) The user’s email domain is automatically added to Azure AD’s custom domains.
  • D) The external user is given administrative privileges by default.

Answer: B. An invitation email is sent to the user’s email address containing a redemption link.

Explanation: When inviting an external user, Azure AD sends an invitation email to that user with a redemption link that they must follow to access the resources they have been granted access to.

T/F: Guest users invited to Azure AD have the same default access permissions as regular users in the directory.

Answer: False

Explanation: By default, guest users in Azure AD have limited permissions compared to regular members, but their access can be modified by an administrator.

Which of the following attributes can be included when performing a bulk invite of external users to Azure AD through a CSV file?

  • A) First name
  • B) Last name
  • C) Email address
  • D) User’s preferred language
  • E) All of the above

Answer: E. All of the above

Explanation: When performing a bulk invite through a CSV file, you can include attributes such as first name, last name, email address, and the user’s preferred language to customize the invitation process.

Interview Questions

What is Azure AD B2B?

Azure AD B2B (Business-to-Business) is a feature that enables organizations to collaborate securely with external partners, contractors, and vendors.

How can you invite external users using the Azure Portal?

To invite external users using the Azure Portal, navigate to the Active Directory tenant where you want to invite external users, select “Users,” and click on the “+ New guest user” button. Then fill in the user’s name, email address, and a personal message (if desired) and choose whether to send the invitation by email or to provide the user with a direct link to sign up.

What is PowerShell?

PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language designed for task automation and configuration management.

How can you invite external users using PowerShell?

To invite external users using PowerShell, use the New-AzureADMSInvitation cmdlet to create an invitation for an external user and the Send-AzureADMSInvitation cmdlet to send the invitation to the user.

How can you invite external users in bulk using PowerShell?

To invite external users in bulk using PowerShell, create a CSV file with the list of external users you want to invite, import the CSV file using the Import-Csv cmdlet, use a ForEach loop to iterate through each user in the CSV file, use the New-AzureADMSInvitation cmdlet to create an invitation for each user, and use the Send-AzureADMSInvitation cmdlet to send the invitation to each user.

What are some best practices for inviting external users?

Some best practices for inviting external users include using secure methods to send invitations, customizing the invitation message, controlling external user access, and monitoring external user access.

How can you ensure that external users have access only to the resources they need?

You can ensure that external users have access only to the resources they need by using Azure AD B2B to control external user access to your organization’s resources, including which applications and data they can access.

How can you monitor external user access to identify any unauthorized access or unusual activity?

You can monitor external user access to identify any unauthorized access or unusual activity by regularly reviewing access logs and using Azure AD’s activity logs and security reports.

Can you revoke access for external users who no longer need access to your organization’s resources?

Yes, you can revoke access for external users who no longer need access to your organization’s resources by using the Azure Portal or PowerShell.

How can you configure conditional access policies for external users?

You can configure conditional access policies for external users using Azure AD’s Identity Protection feature. This allows you to require multi-factor authentication, restrict access to specific locations, and monitor suspicious activity.

Can you invite external users to specific teams or channels in Microsoft Teams?

Yes, you can invite external users to specific teams or channels in Microsoft Teams by configuring the guest access settings in the Teams admin center.

How can you restrict external user access to sensitive data?

You can restrict external user access to sensitive data by using Azure AD’s data classification and labeling feature. This allows you to classify and label sensitive data and restrict access to it based on the user’s classification.

How can you customize the user interface and branding for external users?

You can customize the user interface and branding for external users by using Azure AD’s custom branding feature. This allows you to customize the sign-in page, the email invitations, and the user consent experience.

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Elif Tütüncü
1 year ago

This blog post is really informative. I had no idea how to invite external users in bulk before. Thanks!

Jerry Terry
2 years ago

Can someone explain the security implications of inviting external users in bulk?

Harmen Van Walsum
2 years ago

How does this process differ from inviting users individually?

Leslie Simmons
2 years ago

Great job on the blog post!

Leo Takala
2 years ago

Is there a PowerShell script available for bulk inviting external users?

Daniel Sakala
2 years ago

How is the invited user’s experience different when invited in bulk versus individually?

Alfred Nielsen
2 years ago

Appreciate the detailed walkthrough!

Vincent Ouellet
2 years ago

Can external users access SharePoint Online when invited in bulk?

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