Tutorial / Cram Notes

Rotating secrets for certificates is a critical security measure that ensures your Azure Stack Hub remains secure and resilient against potential threats. In the context of Azure Stack Hub, secret rotation involves updating the certificates that are used to authenticate services and encrypt data in transit. For the AZ-600 exam, it’s essential to understand how and when to rotate secrets within Azure Stack Hub.

Why Rotate Certificates

Certificates are foundational to securing your infrastructure, employed for tasks such as SSL/TLS for web services and encrypting data connections. They are also time-bound, meaning they expire after a set period. If not managed correctly, expired certificates can cause service interruptions and potential security vulnerabilities. Rotating certificates allows an organization to:

  • Enhance security by reducing the time window in which a compromised certificate can be used.
  • Stay compliant with organizational or industry standards that mandate frequent renewal of security credentials.
  • Avoid service interruptions by ensuring certificates are renewed before they expire.

Certificate Types in Azure Stack Hub

In Azure Stack Hub, there are several types of certificates including:

  • SSL certificates for the Azure Stack Hub administrator and user portals.
  • Internal certificates used for the communication between Azure Stack Hub components.
  • Datacenter integration certificates for scenarios like identity management or DNS integration.

The Process of Rotating Certificates

The process of rotating secrets in Azure Stack Hub typically follows these steps:

  1. Preparation: Before the rotation process begins, it’s crucial to prepare the new certificates. These certificates must meet the Azure Stack Hub’s certificate requirements, including attributes such as chain of trust, validity period, and key strength.
  2. Rotation: Once the new certificates are ready, the rotation can be initiated. In Azure Stack Hub, this involves accessing the administrator portal or using PowerShell commands to update the certificates. For each certificate, you generally need to provide the certificate data or a certificate file path and corresponding private key.
  3. Validation: After rotating the certificates, it’s necessary to validate that they are correctly installed and that all services are operating with the new certificates.
  4. Backup: After the rotation and validation steps are complete, back up certificate information and any related secrets.

Example: Rotating a Certificate

Here’s a simplified example of certificate rotation using PowerShell:

# Example command to rotate the SSL certificate for the Azure Stack Hub admin portal
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String “<YourPassword>” -AsPlainText -Force
$Cert = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 -ArgumentList “<PathToCertificate>”, $Password

Set-AzsSecret -Thumbprint $Cert.Thumbprint -Data $Cert.GetRawCertData()

Note: This example is for illustrative purposes. Refer to the specific Azure Stack Hub documentation for the precise commands.

Certificate Rotation Schedule

A schedule for rotating secrets should align with the organization’s security policies and the validity period of the certificates. Generally, it is recommended to rotate secrets before the three-quarters mark of their expiration period. For example, if a certificate is valid for one year, consider scheduling rotation at the nine-month mark.

Best Practices for Secret Rotation

When managing certificate rotations, adhere to the following best practices:

  • Automate the certificate rotation process where possible to minimize human error and ensure timely updates.
  • Have a recovery process in place in case of issues during the rotation process.
  • Notify all stakeholders well in advance of planned certificate rotations to minimize potential impact.
  • Monitor and audit the certificate rotation process to ensure security compliance.


Secret rotation, including the rotation of certificates, is a non-negotiable aspect of maintaining a secure and reliable Azure Stack Hub environment. Understanding the why, when, and how of rotating certificates is crucial for any IT professional working on the Azure Stack Hub and is an expectable component of skills verified by the AZ-600 Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack Hub exam. By following best practices, preparing adequately, and using the tools provided by Azure Stack Hub, you can ensure that your certificate rotation process is smooth and secure.

Practice Test with Explanation

True or False: Azure Stack Hub automatically rotates Secrets for certificates.

  • ( ) True
  • ( ) False

Answer: False

Explanation: Rotation of secrets, including certificates, within Azure Stack Hub is a manual process which the operator must initiate as part of the regular maintenance and security operations.

Azure Stack Hub allows for the automatic renewal and rotation of certificates.

  • ( ) True
  • ( ) False

Answer: False

Explanation: Azure Stack Hub does not support automatic renewal and rotation of certificates. Administrators have to manually renew and rotate certificates following the procedures provided by Microsoft.

When should you rotate secrets for certificates on Azure Stack Hub?

  • (A) Prior to the expiration date
  • (B) Immediately after deploying Azure Stack Hub
  • (C) After a security breach
  • (D) When recommended by compliance policies
  • (E) All of the above

Answer: E

Explanation: Rotating certificates should be considered prior to their expiration date, after a security breach, and whenever compliance policies indicate a rotation is necessary. While not necessarily required immediately after deployment, it is a practice to establish good security hygiene.

True or False: Only PKI-based certificates must be rotated in Azure Stack Hub.

  • ( ) True
  • ( ) False

Answer: False

Explanation: While PKI-based certificates are commonly rotated, Azure Stack Hub also uses other secret types that could require rotation, like Azure Active Directory application secrets or service fabric cluster certificates.

What is the Azure Stack Hub component responsible for managing secrets such as certificates?

  • (A) Azure Resource Manager
  • (B) The administrator portal
  • (C) The privileged endpoint (PEP)
  • (D) Azure Key Vault

Answer: C

Explanation: The privileged endpoint (PEP) is a crucial management point in Azure Stack Hub that allows for various administrative tasks, including rotating secrets and managing certificates.

True or False: Certificates on Azure Stack Hub can be rotated without causing any service interruptions.

  • ( ) True
  • ( ) False

Answer: True

Explanation: If performed correctly and in accordance with Microsoft’s documentation, certificates on Azure Stack Hub can be rotated without causing downtime or service interruptions.

Which of these statements is true about rotating certificates in Azure Stack Hub?

  • (A) Certificates are stored as plain text for convenience.
  • (B) You need to perform rotation in a specific sequence if multiple certificates are expiring.
  • (C) The Azure Stack Hub secret rotation feature rotates certificates automatically.
  • (D) Certificate rotation is only necessary when using Azure Stack Hub in connected mode.

Answer: B

Explanation: Azure Stack Hub requires administrators to follow a specific sequence when rotating multiple certificates to maintain system integrity and ensure uninterrupted services.

True or False: Azure Stack Hub uses Azure Key Vault for storing and managing secrets and certificates.

  • ( ) True
  • ( ) False

Answer: False

Explanation: Azure Stack Hub has its own infrastructure for secrets management. While Azure Key Vault complements Azure Stack, it’s a separate service provided in Azure for storing and managing secrets, not directly used within Azure Stack Hub.

Prior to rotating a certificate, what action is recommended?

  • (A) Inform all users about an impending service disruption
  • (B) Back up current certificates and keys
  • (C) Schedule a maintenance window during peak hours
  • (D) Decommission Azure Stack Hub

Answer: B

Explanation: Before rotating a certificate, backing up the current certificates and keys is critical to ensure that you have a recovery point in case of any issues during rotation.

You can rotate certificates in Azure Stack Hub using:

  • (A) Azure CLI
  • (B) PowerShell
  • (C) Azure Portal
  • (D) All of the above

Answer: B

Explanation: PowerShell is the primary tool used for certificate rotation tasks in Azure Stack Hub, as certificate management requires scripted operations that PowerShell supports effectively.

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Svitoyara Bolyuh
1 year ago

Great blog post! This explains the importance of rotating secrets for certificates very well.

Arvid Molstad
2 years ago

Could someone explain the connection between certificate secret rotation and security in Azure Stack Hub?

Daisy Shaw
1 year ago

Does anyone use automation tools for rotating their secrets? If yes, which tool do you recommend?

Mariana Campos
2 years ago

Thanks for this post!

Dalia Mascareñas
1 year ago

How often do you typically rotate secrets in an enterprise environment?

Kerim Egeli
1 year ago

While rotating, do you encounter any downtime? How do you manage it?

Lavínia Lima
1 year ago

Appreciate this informative blog!

Sebastian Mortensen
1 year ago

Can secret rotation be integrated with CI/CD pipelines?

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