Tutorial / Cram Notes

To create a new user subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Administrator Portal: Log in to the Azure Stack Hub administrator portal.
  2. Select Subscriptions: In the navigation pane, click on “Subscriptions” under the “More services” section.
  3. Add Subscription: Click on “Add” to create a new subscription. This will open a new subscription creation form.
  4. Configure Subscription Details: Provide a name for the subscription, and select an offer that defines the services and resources the user can access. Offers are predefined plans that dictate the capabilities and limits of subscriptions.
  5. Select a User or Group: Assign the subscription to a user or group by providing their Azure Active Directory (AAD) identity.
  6. Review and Create: Verify the details and click on “Create” to provision the new subscription. This may take a few moments.

Here’s a typical form for creating a subscription in Azure Stack Hub:

Field Description
Name The display name for the subscription
Offer The plan the subscription will be associated with
Directory Tenant The AAD tenant where the user or group accounts are located
User or Group The AAD user or group that will own the subscription
Subscription ID A unique ID automatically assigned to the subscription (read-only)

Managing User Subscriptions

Once the subscriptions are created, they can be managed and altered as needed:

  1. Access Subscriptions: Navigate back to the “Subscriptions” in the administrator portal.
  2. Select a Subscription: Choose a subscription you wish to manage from the list.
  3. Update Subscription Details: Edit the subscription name or assign a new owner if necessary by clicking the “Edit” button.
  4. Monitor Usage: Using the “Overview” and “Usage + quotas” sections, administrators can monitor the resources consumed by the subscription and set thresholds.
  5. Adjust Policies: Change the policies of the subscription by associating different offers or add-ons that may contain different resource quotas or services.
  6. Delegated Providers: If needed, set a delegated provider to allow third parties to manage subscription resources on behalf of the user, found under “Resource providers”.
  7. State Management: Administrators can disable or delete a subscription through the “Settings” => “State” section. Disabling a subscription will prevent any new resources from being provisioned within it, but it won’t delete existing resources.
  8. Clean Up Resources: Before deleting a subscription, it is essential to remove all the associated resources within it to prevent orphaned resources.
  9. Delete Subscription: Once all resources are cleaned up, you can delete the subscription by selecting “Delete” at the bottom of the subscription blade.

By carefully managing user subscriptions, Azure Stack Hub administrators can maintain control over the hybrid environment, ensuring each user has access to the resources that they need while also maintaining the boundaries defined by organizational governance policies.

You should note that changes in the user subscription should be made in consideration with existing services and resources as it might affect the users’ ability to access certain services. Proper communication and policy enforcement are crucial for smooth operations in a hybrid cloud environment.

Practice Test with Explanation

True/False: In Azure Stack Hub, you can create user subscriptions by using PowerShell only.

Answer: False

Explanation: User subscriptions in Azure Stack Hub can be created using the Azure Stack Hub user portal, PowerShell, or the Rest API, not just PowerShell.

True/False: Every user subscription in Azure Stack Hub is associated with a single directory tenant.

Answer: True

Explanation: Each user subscription in Azure Stack Hub is associated with one Azure Active Directory or Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) directory tenant.

Multiple Select: Which of the following can be used to manage user subscriptions in Azure Stack Hub? (Select all that apply)

  • A) Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal
  • B) Azure CLI
  • C) Azure PowerShell
  • D) Azure Stack Hub user portal

Answer: A) Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal, C) Azure PowerShell, D) Azure Stack Hub user portal

Explanation: You can manage user subscriptions using the Azure Stack Hub Administrator Portal, Azure PowerShell, and the Azure Stack Hub user portal. The Azure CLI cannot be used directly to manage subscriptions in Azure Stack Hub.

Single Select: Which role is necessary to create and manage subscriptions in Azure Stack Hub?

  • A) Contributor
  • B) Owner
  • C) User Access Administrator
  • D) Service Administrator

Answer: D) Service Administrator

Explanation: The Service Administrator has the permissions to create and manage subscriptions in Azure Stack Hub. The other roles listed do not have the necessary permissions for subscription management.

True/False: The default quota for a new subscription in Azure Stack Hub is unlimited.

Answer: False

Explanation: The default quotas for a new subscription in Azure Stack Hub are not unlimited. Administrators must configure quotas to limit the resources that a subscription can consume.

Single Select: How are costs managed for user subscriptions in Azure Stack Hub?

  • A) Through Azure Cost Management
  • B) Using a third-party cost management tool
  • C) Azure Stack Hub does not support cost management
  • D) Through the Azure Stack Hub billing and usage API

Answer: D) Through the Azure Stack Hub billing and usage API

Explanation: Costs for user subscriptions in Azure Stack Hub are managed through the billing and usage API, which provides information that can be used to create billing solutions.

True/False: It is possible to use Azure RBAC roles in Azure Stack Hub.

Answer: True

Explanation: Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) roles can be used in Azure Stack Hub to control access to resources.

Multiple Select: Which of the following actions can be performed by a user with the Owner role on their subscription? (Select all that apply)

  • A) Assign roles to other users within the subscription
  • B) Create resource groups within the subscription
  • C) Access all resources in the subscription
  • D) Create new subscriptions

Answer: A) Assign roles to other users within the subscription, B) Create resource groups within the subscription, C) Access all resources in the subscription

Explanation: The Owner role allows managing access, creating resource groups, and accessing all resources within the subscription. Creating new subscriptions is an action reserved for the Service Administrator role.

True/False: Guest users from another Azure Active Directory tenant can be assigned roles within an Azure Stack Hub subscription.

Answer: True

Explanation: Guest users from another Azure Active Directory tenant can be given access and assigned roles within an Azure Stack Hub subscription.

Single Select: To enable cost-related features for Azure Stack Hub operator, which must be integrated?

  • A) Azure Cost Management
  • B) Azure Account Center
  • C) Azure Commerce Module
  • D) Azure Monitor

Answer: C) Azure Commerce Module

Explanation: The Azure Commerce Module needs to be integrated to enable cost-related features for the Azure Stack Hub operator, such as usage and billing.

True/False: Subscriptions created in Azure Stack Hub can only contain resources from Azure Stack Hub, not Azure.

Answer: True

Explanation: Subscriptions created in Azure Stack Hub are meant for managing resources in Azure Stack Hub. Azure resources are managed through Azure subscriptions.

Single Select: Which of the following is true about the “Offer” in Azure Stack Hub?

  • A) An offer is a collection of VM sizes.
  • B) An offer defines storage types available to the user.
  • C) An offer is tied directly to a specific user subscription.
  • D) An offer is a group of services and plans that a cloud operator provides to users.

Answer: D) An offer is a group of services and plans that a cloud operator provides to users.

Explanation: An offer in Azure Stack Hub is a group of services and plans that the cloud operator provides to users. It contains plans, which in turn contain services (like storage, VMs, etc.) and quotas.

Interview Questions

What is an Azure Stack user subscription?

An Azure Stack user subscription is a way to enable a user to consume resources that are defined in a plan.

How are subscriptions created in Azure Stack?

Subscriptions are created by a service provider using the Azure Stack Admin portal or through the Azure Stack PowerShell module.

What is a plan in Azure Stack?

A plan is a set of resource offerings that are designed to meet the needs of a specific customer.

Can a user subscription have multiple plans associated with it?

No, a user subscription can only be associated with one plan at a time.

How can a user subscribe to a plan in Azure Stack?

Users can subscribe to a plan through the Azure Stack user portal, or through the Azure Stack PowerShell module.

What are the different roles that can be assigned to a subscription?

The three roles that can be assigned to a subscription are Owner, Contributor, and Reader.

How can a user request additional resources within their subscription?

Users can request additional resources through the Azure Stack user portal, or through the Azure Stack PowerShell module.

What is a quota in Azure Stack?

A quota is a way to limit the amount of resources that can be consumed within a subscription.

Can a quota be edited once it is created?

Yes, a quota can be edited by a service provider at any time.

What is the maximum number of resources that can be provisioned within a single subscription in Azure Stack?

The maximum number of resources that can be provisioned within a single subscription in Azure Stack is determined by the quota that is set by the service provider.

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Espartaco Monroy
1 year ago

Great post on managing user subscriptions in AZ-600!

Emily Martin
1 year ago

Can someone explain how to automate the creation of subscriptions using PowerShell?

Marie Hansen
2 years ago

I found it a bit tricky to manage multiple subscriptions. Any tips?

Mae Wheeler
1 year ago

Very informative blog post, thanks for sharing!

Andrea Cruz
2 years ago

I’m having trouble with subscription delegation, any suggestions?

Troy Howard
2 years ago

Does anyone have experience setting up CSP for reselling subscriptions?

Eleonora Harsvik
1 year ago

Thanks for this helpful guide!

Tobias Jensen
2 years ago

It’s challenging to track subscription costs. Any best practices?

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