
Designing and implementing the desired state configuration for environments is a crucial aspect of effective DevOps solutions. By leveraging tools like Azure Automation State Configuration, Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Bicep, and Azure Automanage Machine Configuration, you can ensure consistent and reliable deployments across your infrastructure. In this article, we will explore these technologies and provide examples of how to utilize them.

Azure Automation State Configuration

Azure Automation State Configuration allows you to define and enforce the desired state of your Azure VMs. It helps you maintain consistency across multiple machines by specifying the configuration details, such as the installed software, Windows features, registry settings, and file contents. Let’s take a look at an example configuration script:

Configuration WebServerConfig
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration

Node "WebServer"
WindowsFeature IIS
Name = "Web-Server"
Ensure = "Present"

File IndexHtml
DestinationPath = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html"
Contents = "Welcome to my website!"
Ensure = "Present"

$ConfigData = @{
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = "WebServer"
PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true

WebServerConfig -ConfigurationData $ConfigData

In the above example, we have defined a configuration named “WebServerConfig” that targets a node called “WebServer.” This configuration installs the IIS Windows feature and creates an index.html file with a simple message. By applying this configuration, you can ensure that any VM assigned to the “WebServer” node will have the desired state applied.

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and Bicep

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) provides a declarative way to define and deploy your Azure resources. It allows you to create templates using JSON or Bicep, a more concise and readable language that transpiles to ARM templates. Here’s an example of a Bicep template for deploying an Azure Web App:

param appName string
param location string

resource appServicePlan 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2021-02-01' = {
name: '${appName}-plan'
location: location
sku: {
tier: 'Standard'
name: 'S1'
kind: 'app'

resource webApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-02-01' = {
name: appName
location: location
properties: {
siteConfig: {
appSettings: [
name: 'Environment'
value: 'Production'

In this Bicep template, we define two resources: an App Service Plan and an Azure Web App. By providing the appName and location parameters, you can deploy multiple instances of this template with different names and locations. This promotes infrastructure as code and helps maintain consistency across deployments.

Azure Automanage Machine Configuration

Azure Automanage Machine Configuration is a built-in capability of Azure Automanage that ensures conformance to Azure and Microsoft best practices for managing Windows and Linux VMs. It configures various settings, such as disk encryption, backups, monitoring, and more. You can enable Automanage Machine Configuration for your Azure VMs through the Azure portal or using Azure CLI, like this:

az vm automanage update --name MyVM --resource-group MyResourceGroup --enable-machine-config

By enabling Automanage Machine Configuration, you offload the burden of implementing and maintaining these best practices, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your DevOps workflows.


Designing and implementing desired state configuration for environments is crucial for achieving consistent and reliable deployments in your DevOps solutions. Azure Automation State Configuration, Azure Resource Manager, Bicep, and Azure Automanage Machine Configuration are powerful tools that can help you achieve this goal. By leveraging these technologies, you can ensure that your infrastructure meets the desired state and complies with best practices.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which tool in Azure can be used to design and implement desired state configuration for environments?

  • a) Azure Automation State Configuration
  • b) Azure PowerShell DSC Extension
  • c) Azure Policy
  • d) Azure DevOps

Correct answer: a) Azure Automation State Configuration

True or False: Azure Automation State Configuration can be used to define and enforce configuration rules on virtual machines in Azure.

Correct answer: True

Which language is commonly used to define configuration scripts in Azure Automation State Configuration?

  • a) PowerShell
  • b) Python
  • c) JavaScript
  • d) C#

Correct answer: a) PowerShell

True or False: Azure Resource Manager templates can be used to define and deploy desired state configurations for Azure resources.

Correct answer: True

What is the preferred language for writing Azure Resource Manager templates?

  • a) JSON
  • b) YAML
  • c) XML
  • d) PowerShell

Correct answer: a) JSON

Which of the following is a valid way to deploy an Azure Resource Manager template?

  • a) Azure Portal
  • b) Azure CLI
  • c) Azure PowerShell
  • d) All of the above

Correct answer: d) All of the above

True or False: Bicep is a domain-specific language used to simplify the authoring of Azure Resource Manager templates.

Correct answer: True

Which of the following is an advantage of using Bicep instead of JSON for authoring Azure Resource Manager templates?

  • a) Improved readability
  • b) Syntax highlighting in code editors
  • c) IntelliSense support
  • d) All of the above

Correct answer: d) All of the above

True or False: Azure Automanage Machine Configuration can be used to quickly apply recommended configurations to Azure virtual machines.

Correct answer: True

Which Microsoft Azure service provides built-in configurations and security recommendations for Azure virtual machines?

  • a) Azure Security Center
  • b) Azure Advisor
  • c) Azure Monitor
  • d) Azure Policy

Correct answer: a) Azure Security Center

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Ellie Caldwell
1 year ago

Great post! Azure Automation State Configuration has been a game-changer for managing our environments.

Joy Dupuis
1 year ago

I found Azure Resource Manager templates incredibly useful. If you have a good grasp on JSON, it’s not hard to set up.

Gligorije Kapetanović

Thanks for sharing these insights, really helpful for my AZ-400 prep!

Stacey Ramos
1 year ago

I have a question about Bicep. How does it compare to ARM templates performance-wise?

Sophie Rhodes
10 months ago

Could someone clarify the differences between Azure Automanage Machine Configuration and Azure Automation State Configuration?

Ethan Ross
1 year ago

This is exactly what I needed to get started with Azure Automation. Thanks!

Spasoje Mišković
11 months ago

My only gripe is that some of the documentation for Azure Automation State Configuration can be a bit outdated.

Arthur Chu
1 year ago

For those who’ve implemented Azure Automanage, how do you handle custom configurations?

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