
In a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environment, managing host pools, session hosts, and user sessions can be a time-consuming task. However, with the help of PowerShell and Azure CLI, you can automate these management tasks to simplify and streamline your operations.

PowerShell and Azure CLI provide robust command-line tools that allow you to interact with and manage Azure Virtual Desktop resources programmatically. These tools enable you to automate various management tasks, such as creating and deleting host pools, adding and removing session hosts, and managing user sessions.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. An Azure subscription with the necessary permissions to manage Azure Virtual Desktop resources.
  2. PowerShell version 7.x or later installed on your machine. You can download PowerShell from the official Microsoft website.
  3. Azure CLI version 2.26.0 or later installed on your machine. You can download Azure CLI from the official Microsoft website.

Automating host pool management

Host pools are a key component of Azure Virtual Desktop. They act as a logical grouping of session hosts that users connect to. With PowerShell and Azure CLI, you can automate host pool management tasks, such as creating and deleting host pools, updating properties, and adding/removing session hosts.

To automate host pool management using PowerShell, you can utilize the Az.DesktopVirtualization module. This module provides cmdlets for managing host pools, session hosts, and user sessions in Azure Virtual Desktop.

To create a host pool using PowerShell, you can use the following script:

$resourceGroupName = "ResourceGroupName"
$hostPoolName = "HostPoolName"
$location = "Location"
$workspaceName = "WorkspaceName"
$vmTemplateName = "VMTemplateName"
$diskImageURI = "DiskImageURI"

New-AzWvdHostPool `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
-Name $hostPoolName `
-Location $location `
-WorkspaceName $workspaceName `
-vmTemplateName $vmTemplateName `
-DiskImageUri $diskImageURI

Similarly, you can use the Get-AzWvdHostPool cmdlet to retrieve information about the host pool, and Remove-AzWvdHostPool to delete a host pool.

Automating session host management

Session hosts are the virtual machines that provide the desktop and app resources to users in a host pool. PowerShell and Azure CLI allow you to automate session host management tasks, such as adding and removing session hosts from a host pool.

To add a session host to a host pool using Azure CLI, you can use the following command:

az desktopvirtualization session-host create --resource-group "ResourceGroupName" --host-pool-name "HostPoolName" --name "SessionHostName" --vm-template-name "VMTemplatename" --disk-image-uri "DiskImageURI" --location "Location"

To remove a session host from a host pool using Azure CLI, you can use the following command:

az desktopvirtualization session-host delete --resource-group "ResourceGroupName" --host-pool-name "HostPoolName" --name "SessionHostName"

Automating user session management

User sessions represent user connections to session hosts in a host pool. PowerShell and Azure CLI allow you to automate user session management tasks, such as querying user sessions, disconnecting or logging off user sessions, and sending messages to user sessions.

To disconnect a user session using PowerShell, you can use the following script:

$resourceGroupName = "ResourceGroupName"
$hostPoolName = "HostPoolName"
$userSessionId = "UserSessionId"

Invoke-AzWvdDisconnect `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
-HostPoolName $hostPoolName `
-UserSessionId $userSessionId

To log off a user session using Azure CLI, you can use the following command:

az desktopvirtualization user-session logoff --resource-group "ResourceGroupName" --host-pool-name "HostPoolName" --session-host-name "SessionHostName" --user-session-id "UserSessionId"


PowerShell and Azure CLI provide powerful tools to automate the management of host pools, session hosts, and user sessions in Azure Virtual Desktop. By leveraging these tools, you can simplify and streamline your operations, saving time and effort.

In this article, we explored how you can use PowerShell and Azure CLI to automate various management tasks, such as creating and deleting host pools, adding and removing session hosts, and managing user sessions. By combining these automation capabilities with your existing infrastructure and deployment processes, you can enhance the efficiency and scalability of your Azure Virtual Desktop environment.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which command can be used to create a new host pool in Azure Virtual Desktop using PowerShell?

a) New-AzWvdHostPool
b) Add-AzWvdHostPool
c) Create-AzWvdHostPool
d) Set-AzWvdHostPool

Correct answer: a) New-AzWvdHostPool

How can you automate the management of session hosts in Azure Virtual Desktop using Azure CLI?

a) Use the az wvd sessionhost add command
b) Use the az wvd sessionhost remove command
c) Use the az wvd sessionhost update command
d) All of the above

Correct answer: d) All of the above

Which PowerShell cmdlet can be used to resize session hosts in Azure Virtual Desktop?

a) Set-AzWvdSessionHost
b) Resize-AzWvdSessionHost
c) Update-AzWvdSessionHost
d) Modify-AzWvdSessionHost

Correct answer: a) Set-AzWvdSessionHost

How can you automate the creation of user sessions in Azure Virtual Desktop using PowerShell?

a) Use the Add-AzWvdUserSession cmdlet
b) Use the New-AzWvdUserSession cmdlet
c) Use the Create-AzWvdUserSession cmdlet
d) Use the Set-AzWvdUserSession cmdlet

Correct answer: a) Use the Add-AzWvdUserSession cmdlet

Which Azure CLI command can be used to retrieve information about a specific host pool in Azure Virtual Desktop?

a) az wvd hostpool show
b) az wvd hostpool list
c) az wvd hostpool get
d) az wvd hostpool info

Correct answer: a) az wvd hostpool show

How can you automate the removal of user sessions in Azure Virtual Desktop using Azure CLI?

a) Use the az wvd user session remove command
b) Use the az wvd user session delete command
c) Use the az wvd user session remove-all command
d) Use the az wvd user session delete-all command

Correct answer: b) Use the az wvd user session delete command

To automate the management of session hosts in Azure Virtual Desktop, which parameter of the Set-AzWvdSessionHost cmdlet can be used to change the registration token?

a) -RegistrationToken
b) -Token
c) -NewToken
d) -UpdatedToken

Correct answer: a) -RegistrationToken

Which PowerShell cmdlet can be used to disable a specific host pool in Azure Virtual Desktop?

a) Set-AzWvdHostPool -Enabled $false
b) Disable-AzWvdHostPool
c) Stop-AzWvdHostPool
d) Remove-AzWvdHostPool

Correct answer: a) Set-AzWvdHostPool -Enabled $false

How can you automate the assignment of session hosts to a specific host pool using Azure CLI?

a) Use the az wvd sessionhost assign command
b) Use the az wvd sessionhost update command
c) Use the az wvd sessionhost assign-to-pool command
d) Use the az wvd sessionhost assign-pool command

Correct answer: c) Use the az wvd sessionhost assign-to-pool command

Which Azure CLI command can be used to retrieve information about a specific user session in Azure Virtual Desktop?

a) az wvd user session get
b) az wvd user session show
c) az wvd user session info
d) az wvd user session list

Correct answer: b) az wvd user session show

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Tarak Adiga
9 months ago

This blog on automating Azure Virtual Desktop using PowerShell and Azure CLI is really insightful!

Rasmus Tanner
1 year ago

Can anyone explain the best practices for managing host pools using PowerShell?

Chloe Brar
1 year ago

Is there any way to automate the creation of session hosts using Azure CLI?

Alicia Lemus
1 year ago

Does anyone know how to automate the assignment of users to host pools using PowerShell?

Emil Tuominen
1 year ago

Appreciate the blog post!

Nana Tolner
10 months ago

What are the benefits of using Azure CLI over PowerShell for managing Azure Virtual Desktop?

Gloria Hug
1 year ago

Can I use both PowerShell and Azure CLI together in a single automation script?

Harper Ray
11 months ago

Is there a way to monitor user session activity using PowerShell for compliance auditing?

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