
Microsoft Azure provides a powerful service called Translator that allows you to easily translate text and documents from one language to another. This service is particularly useful for designing and implementing AI solutions in Azure. In this article, we will explore how to use the Translator service to translate text and documents in your Azure AI solution.

Creating a Translator Resource

The first step in using the Translator service is to create a Translator resource in your Azure subscription. To do this, navigate to the Azure portal and search for “Translator” in the service marketplace. Select the Translator service and follow the prompts to create a new resource.

Translating Text

Once you have created the Translator resource, you can start using it to translate text. The Translator service provides a RESTful API that you can call to translate text in your applications. You can use any programming language or framework that supports making HTTP requests to interact with the Translator API.

To translate text using the Translator service, you need to make a POST request to the translation endpoint with the text you want to translate, the source language, and the target language. Here’s an example of how you can translate text using the Translator API in Python:

import requests

subscription_key = 'your_subscription_key'
endpoint = ''

headers = {
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

text = 'Hello, how are you?'
source_language = 'en'
target_language = 'fr'

data = [{
'text': text

params = {
'api-version': '3.0',
'from': source_language,
'to': target_language

response =, headers=headers, params=params, json=data)
translation = response.json()[0]['translations'][0]['text']

print(f'Translation: {translation}')

In this example, you need to replace 'your_subscription_key' with your actual subscription key for the Translator service. You also need to specify the text you want to translate, the source_language, and the target_language. The translation will be stored in the translation variable, which you can use in your application as needed.

Translating Documents

In addition to translating text, the Translator service also supports translating documents. This can be particularly useful when you have large amounts of text to translate. To translate a document, you simply need to pass the document content as a parameter in the translation request.

Here’s an example of how you can translate a document using the Translator API in C#:

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
static async Task Main()
string subscriptionKey = "your_subscription_key";
string endpoint = "";

using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", subscriptionKey);

var formData = new MultipartFormDataContent();
var documentContent = new ByteArrayContent(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("document.txt"));
formData.Add(documentContent, "file", "document.txt");
formData.Add(new StringContent("en"), "from");
formData.Add(new StringContent("fr"), "to");

var response = await httpClient.PostAsync(endpoint, formData);
var jsonResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

In this example, you need to replace 'your_subscription_key' with your actual subscription key for the Translator service. The document content is read from a file named “document.txt,” but you can modify the code to read from any other source as needed. The translated document will be returned in the response, which you can further process or save as required.

With the Translator service in Azure, you have a powerful tool at your disposal for translating text and documents in your AI solutions. Whether you need to translate user input, process multilingual data, or support global audiences, the Translator service provides a reliable and efficient solution. Start leveraging the Translator service today to make your Azure AI solution truly multilingual and accessible to users around the world.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

What is the maximum number of characters that can be translated in a single request using the Translator service?

a) 5,000 characters
b) 10,000 characters
c) 25,000 characters
d) 50,000 characters
**Correct answer: c) 25,000 characters**


Which data format is NOT supported for translation using the Translator service?

a) XML
d) CSV
**Correct answer: d) CSV**


True or False: The Translator service supports automatic language detection.

**Correct answer: True**


What is the default endpoint for the Translator service?

**Correct answer: a)**


Which API method is used to translate text using the Translator service?

a) GET /translate
b) POST /translation
c) PUT /translate
d) PATCH /translation
**Correct answer: a) GET /translate**


True or False: The Translator service supports translation between any combination of languages.

**Correct answer: True**


Which Azure service can be used to perform real-time translation in a video stream?

a) Azure Media Services
b) Azure Translator Text
c) Azure Cognitive Services
d) Azure Speech Services
**Correct answer: a) Azure Media Services**


What is the maximum number of characters that can be translated per month with a free tier Translator service subscription?

a) 1 million characters
b) 2 million characters
c) 5 million characters
d) 10 million characters
**Correct answer: b) 2 million characters**


True or False: The Translator service provides automatic language translation without the need for user authentication.

**Correct answer: False**


Which programming language is NOT supported by the Translator service client libraries?

a) Python
b) Java
c) C#
d) Ruby
**Correct answer: d) Ruby**

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Davut Menemencioğlu

Thanks for the detailed post on using the Translator service for text and document translation. It was very helpful!

Sofija Vujčić
1 year ago

Great information! How can we handle errors when the translation fails?

Ümit Ilıcalı
1 year ago

This blog helped me understand the different authentication methods available for the Translator service. Appreciate it!

Lilly Hall
1 year ago

What are the rate limits for the Translator API?

Kripa Chiplunkar
1 year ago

Nice article! Could you explain how to translate documents using this service?

Annika Roy
1 year ago

Is there support for custom translation models?

Mahé Perrin
1 year ago

Thank you for the clear explanation on setting up the Translator service!

Liam Stevens
1 year ago

How secure is the data when using the Translator service for sensitive documents?

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