
To attach a Cognitive Services account to a skillset for the “Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution” exam, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Create a Cognitive Services Account

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. In the Azure portal, click on “Create a resource” and search for “Cognitive Services”.
  3. Select “Cognitive Services” from the search results and click on “Create”.
  4. Provide a unique name for your Cognitive Services account, select the desired subscription, resource group, and choose the appropriate location.
  5. Choose the “Language” that aligns with your needs and select the pricing tier that suits your requirements.
  6. Review the terms and conditions, and then click on “Create”.

Step 2: Retrieve Endpoint and Key

  1. After the Cognitive Services account is created, navigate to the account in the Azure portal.
  2. Under the “Resource management” section, click on “Keys and Endpoint”.
  3. Copy the “Endpoint” value to a secure location.
  4. Copy one of the “Keys” values to a secure location.

Step 3: Create a Skillset

  1. In the Azure portal, go to the overview page of your search service.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click on “Skillsets”.
  3. Click on the “Add” button to create a new skillset.
  4. Provide a unique name for the skillset and choose the desired cognitive search service.
  5. In the “Skills” section, click on the “Add cognitive service” button.
  6. Select “Azure Cognitive Services” from the “Search for cognitive skills” drop-down menu.
  7. Click on “Connect to a service” and select the type of Cognitive Service you created earlier.
  8. Enter the “Endpoint” and “Key” values for your Cognitive Services account.
  9. Configure the additional settings for the cognitive services, such as the language, category, and skill level.
  10. Click on “Save” to create the skillset.

Step 4: Verify the Skillset

  1. Open the search explorer page for your search service.
  2. In the left-hand menu, click on “Skillsets”.
  3. Locate and select the skillset you created.
  4. On the skillset overview page, you can review and modify the skillset configuration.
  5. Test the skillset by clicking on the “Test Skillset” button and providing sample data.

By following these steps, you can successfully attach a Cognitive Services account to a skillset for the “Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution” exam. This integration allows you to leverage the power of Cognitive Services within your AI solution to enhance search capabilities and perform cognitive tasks such as language understanding, image recognition, and more.

Note: Make sure to refer to the latest Microsoft documentation for any updates or changes to the process.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: When attaching a Cognitive Services account to a skillset, you need to provide the access keys for the account.

Answer: True

Which of the following data sources can be used with Azure Cognitive Search? (Select all that apply.)

  • a) Blob storage
  • b) Azure Cosmos DB
  • c) Azure SQL Database
  • d) Azure Data Factory

Answer: a) Blob storage, b) Azure Cosmos DB, c) Azure SQL Database

True or False: Azure Cognitive Search supports more than 60 languages for natural language processing.

Answer: True

True or False: When creating a skillset, you can specify the order in which skills should be applied to documents.

Answer: True

Which of the following skills are available in Azure Cognitive Search? (Select all that apply.)

  • a) Language detection
  • b) Entity recognition
  • c) Sentiment analysis
  • d) Image classification

Answer: a) Language detection, b) Entity recognition, c) Sentiment analysis

True or False: You can use a custom skill in Azure Cognitive Search to extract specific fields from documents.

Answer: True

True or False: Cognitive Services accounts are automatically activated when attached to a skillset in Azure Cognitive Search.

Answer: False

Which of the following options describes the purpose of a Cognitive Services account in the context of Azure Cognitive Search? (Select the best answer.)

  • a) It provides the cloud-based AI capabilities required for executing skills in a skillset.
  • b) It holds the indexed data and search indexes generated by Azure Cognitive Search.
  • c) It manages the authentication and authorization for accessing Azure Cognitive Search.

Answer: a) It provides the cloud-based AI capabilities required for executing skills in a skillset.

True or False: Azure Cognitive Search allows you to control the execution timeout for each skill in a skillset.

Answer: True

True or False: Azure Cognitive Search automatically updates the skillset when changes are made to the attached Cognitive Services account.

Answer: False

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Petter Ferkingstad
1 year ago

Great post! Attaching a Cognitive Services account to a skillset is indeed a crucial aspect of the AI-102 exam.

Felipe Casares
8 months ago

I’m having trouble understanding how the billing works when a Cognitive Services account is attached to a skillset. Can anyone help?

Dragutin Pavić
1 year ago

Is it possible to use a free tier Cognitive Services account for this?

Cornelius Bøen
1 year ago

Great post! It really helped me understand how to attach a Cognitive Services account to a skillset for the AI-102 exam.

Sava Jovanović
1 year ago

Can anyone explain how to handle API key rotation when attaching Cognitive Services to a skillset?

Troy Richards
1 year ago

Thanks for this information. Was struggling to figure this out for the AI-102 exam.

Brandon Holmes
1 year ago

The step-by-step guide was super helpful. Just passed my AI-102!

Katerina Lazorik
1 year ago

Is it necessary to create a new Cognitive Services account for every skillset?

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