
To detect the language used in a text related to designing and implementing a Microsoft Azure AI solution, you can make use of the Language Detection API provided by Azure Cognitive Services. This API enables you to identify the language of a given text or document. In this article, we will explore how to use this API in your AI solution.


First, make sure you have created an Azure Cognitive Services resource in your Azure portal. Once the resource is set up, you can obtain the endpoint and access key required for communication with the Language Detection API.

Installation and Setup

To begin, you need to install the Azure SDK for the language of your choice. For example, if you are using Python, you can install the SDK by running the following command:

pip install azure-ai-textanalytics

Next, import the required modules and instantiate the TextAnalyticsClient object with your obtained endpoint and access key:

from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential
from import TextAnalyticsClient

endpoint = “
key = “

credentials = AzureKeyCredential(key)
client = TextAnalyticsClient(endpoint=endpoint, credential=credentials)

Detecting Language in Text

Now, you can use the detect_language method provided by the client to detect the language of a given text:

def detect_text_language(client, text):
result = client.detect_language(text)
detected_language =
confidence_score = result.primary_language.score

print(f”Detected language: {detected_language}”)
print(f”Confidence score: {confidence_score}”)

text = “This is an example of a text in English.”
detect_text_language(client, text)

The detect_language method takes the input text as a parameter and returns the detected language along with a confidence score. The name property of the primary_language attribute gives you the identified language, while the score property represents the confidence level.

You can also analyze a batch of texts by passing an iterable of strings to the detect_language method:

texts = [“This is an example of a text in English.”,
“Ceci est un exemple de texte en français.”,
“Dies ist ein Beispieltext in Deutsch.”]

for text in texts:
detect_text_language(client, text)

By iterating through each text in the batch, you can obtain the detected language and confidence score for each one.


Azure Cognitive Services provides the Language Detection API, which you can use to identify the language used in a given text related to designing and implementing a Microsoft Azure AI solution. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily integrate language detection capabilities into your AI application.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Which Azure service can be used to detect the language used in a given text?

– A) Azure Text Analytics

– B) Azure Language Understanding (LUIS)

– C) Azure Machine Learning

– D) Azure Cognitive Services Language Understanding

Correct Answer: A) Azure Text Analytics

True/False: The language detection feature in Azure Text Analytics supports more than 120 languages.

Correct Answer: True

How can you detect the language used in a given text using Azure Text Analytics in Python?

– A) Send a POST request to the Text Analytics API with the text as the input.

– B) Use the detect_language function provided in the Azure SDK for Python.

– C) Utilize the LanguageAnalysis class available in the Azure Text Analytics Python package.

– D) Invoke the DetectLanguage API method from the TextAnalyticsClient class in the Azure SDK for Python.

Correct Answer: D) Invoke the DetectLanguage API method from the TextAnalyticsClient class in the Azure SDK for Python.

What is the maximum size limit for a single string of text when making an API call to detect language using Azure Text Analytics?

– A) 1 KB

– B) 5 KB

– C) 10 KB

– D) 20 KB

Correct Answer: C) 10 KB

True/False: Azure Cognitive Services Language Understanding (LUIS) includes built-in language detection capabilities.

Correct Answer: False

Which of the following programming languages are officially supported by Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics SDK for language detection? (Select all that apply)

– A) C#

– B) JavaScript/Node.js

– C) Java

– D) Python

Correct Answer: A) C#, B) JavaScript/Node.js, C) Java, D) Python

True/False: Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics provides language detection capabilities for both batch and real-time processing.

Correct Answer: True

What is the maximum number of languages that the language detection feature in Azure Text Analytics can detect within a single API call?

– A) 5

– B) 10

– C) 20

– D) 50

Correct Answer: C) 20

True/False: Azure Text Analytics can automatically detect the language of each document in a given collection of text documents.

Correct Answer: True

Which HTTP method should be used when making an API call to detect language using Azure Text Analytics?

– A) GET


– C) PUT


Correct Answer: B) POST

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Slađana Pantelić

This blog post on detecting the language used in text is quite informative! AI-102 is a challenging exam, and topics like these are essential.

Scarlett Sullivan
1 year ago

Thanks for the post! It really helped me understand the language detection part better.

Lucy Omahony
1 year ago

Can someone explain the role of Azure Cognitive Services in language detection?

Alberto Bennett
1 year ago

Great blog! Helped me a lot for my AI-102 preparation.

Yash Kamath
1 year ago

Good read, but I think some points could be elaborated more.

Ignjat Simić
1 year ago

What programming languages can be used with Azure Cognitive Services for language detection?

Michaela Vincent
1 year ago

Very helpful post. Cleared several doubts regarding the AI-102 syllabus.

Hadrien Meyer
1 year ago

Appreciate the write-up. Thanks!

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