

In Microsoft Power BI, configuring table and column properties is crucial for optimizing data analysis. By understanding the properties of tables and columns, data analysts can enhance data modeling, improve visualizations, and enable efficient reporting. In this article, we will explore the various table and column properties available in Power BI and learn how to configure them effectively.

1. Table Properties:

Tables are fundamental building blocks in Power BI. By configuring table properties, data analysts can organize data effectively, enhance data modeling, and ensure optimal performance. Here are some essential table properties:

  • a) Table Name: A meaningful and descriptive name should be assigned to each table, allowing users to identify its purpose easily.
  • b) Display Name: This property determines the table name displayed to end-users in visuals and reports. Choose a user-friendly name that enhances comprehension.
  • c) Description: Provide a description for the table, which explains its content, source, or any other relevant information. This helps users understand the purpose and context of the table.
  • d) Data Category: Assigning a data category to tables enables Power BI to automatically apply appropriate formatting and behaviors. For example, assigning a “Date” data category enables date filtering and date-specific visualizations.
  • e) Summarization: Configure the summarization property for each column in the table. Choose options such as Sum, Average, Count, or None, based on the type of data.

2. Column Properties:

Columns within a table contain the actual data. Optimizing column properties allows for better data analysis and effective visualization. Let’s explore essential column properties in Power BI:

  • a) Column Name: Provide a descriptive name that accurately represents the data within the column. Meaningful column names facilitate understanding and prevent confusion.
  • b) Data Type: Choose an appropriate data type (Text, Whole Number, Decimal Number, Date/Time, etc.) that aligns with the data stored in the column. Correct data types ensure accurate calculations and filtering.
  • c) Format: Apply formatting to columns for improving visualizations. For example, format a column as currency or percentage to present accurate insights to end-users.
  • d) Sort Order: Configure the sort order for columns to display data in a specific sequence. Ascending or Descending sort orders can be set based on the column’s requirements.
  • e) Summarization: Similar to table summarization, configure the summarization property for each column. Choose the appropriate aggregations, such as Sum, Average, or Count, to enable accurate calculations.

3. Calculated Column Properties:

Calculated columns are derived from existing columns using formulas. Configuring properties for calculated columns enhances their usability and accuracy. Consider the following:

  • a) Formula: Write precise formulas that accurately calculate the desired values for the calculated column. Power BI provides a comprehensive set of functions for creating complex calculations.
  • b) Data Type: Assign an appropriate data type to the calculated column based on the values it produces. This ensures compatibility with other visuals and calculations in the report.
  • c) Format: Apply formatting settings to calculated columns to ensure consistency with the rest of the data. Proper formatting enhances visualizations and user comprehension.
  • d) Expression Dependencies: Specify the columns upon which the calculated column depends. This property ensures efficient recalculation when underlying data changes, improving performance.


Configuring table and column properties in Microsoft Power BI plays a vital role in data analysis, modeling, and reporting. By assigning meaningful names, applying proper data types, and configuring appropriate formats, data analysts can optimize the visualization and analysis of data. Understanding and utilizing these properties from Microsoft’s documentation will empower Power BI users to make the most of their data analysis journey.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

1. True/False: In Microsoft Power BI, you can configure the column properties to hide a table column from a report view.

Answer: True

2. Single Select: Which statement regarding table properties in Microsoft Power BI is correct?

  • a) Table properties cannot be modified once a table is created.
  • b) Table properties define the visual appearance of the table in a report.
  • c) Table properties impact the data source connections of the table.
  • d) Table properties are only applicable for calculated tables.

Answer: b) Table properties define the visual appearance of the table in a report.

3. Single Select: What happens when you set the “Is Hidden” property of a column to true in Power BI?

  • a) The column becomes read-only and cannot be modified.
  • b) The column is temporarily removed from the dataset but can be shown again.
  • c) The column is permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved.
  • d) The column is hidden from the report view but remains in the dataset.

Answer: d) The column is hidden from the report view but remains in the dataset.

4. True/False: Power BI allows you to format individual columns within a table differently.

Answer: True

5. Multiple Select: Which of the following are valid options for configuring column properties in Power BI? (Select all that apply)

  • a) Changing the column’s data type
  • b) Adding a description for the column
  • c) Enabling or disabling column sorting
  • d) Defining a custom formula for the column’s values

Answer: a) Changing the column’s data type, b) Adding a description for the column, c) Enabling or disabling column sorting

6. True/False: Setting the “Summarize By” property of a column as “Don’t summarize” means that the column will be excluded from any calculations or aggregations.

Answer: False

7. Single Select: What is the purpose of using the “Column Tools” tab in the Power BI Desktop?

  • a) To configure table properties
  • b) To manage relationships between tables
  • c) To perform advanced calculations on columns
  • d) To customize the formatting of column values

Answer: d) To customize the formatting of column values

8. Single Select: By default, which summarization function is applied to a numerical column in Power BI?

  • a) Sum
  • b) Average
  • c) Count
  • d) Maximum

Answer: a) Sum

9. True/False: When you enable the “Data Category” property for a column, it enables natural language queries for that column in Power BI.

Answer: True

10. Multiple Select: Which of the following column properties can be configured for date or time-related data in Power BI? (Select all that apply)

  • a) Display format
  • b) Sort ascending
  • c) Summarize by
  • d) Data type

Answer: a) Display format, b) Sort ascending, c) Summarize by

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Emile Brunet
1 year ago

This blog post on configuring table and column properties for PL-300 is very insightful. Thanks!

Hendrik-Jan Stoffels

I found the explanation on using Data Labels really useful. But can someone explain how to prioritize column properties for optimal performance?

Kaisa Risvik
1 year ago

Is there a way to categorize columns for better data organization in Power BI?

Susana Bourgeois
1 year ago

While setting relationships between tables, should we always use active relationships?

Ülkü Durak
1 year ago

I noticed that renaming columns can break existing measures and visuals. What’s the best practice for renaming?

Lumi Lampo
1 year ago

Appreciate the blog post on table and column properties. Perfect timing for my exam prep!

Indie Roberts
1 year ago

Could someone clarify how to utilize the ‘Sort By Column’ property effectively?

Onni Raisanen
1 year ago

The article provided good technical details, but I wish it had more step-by-step screenshots.

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