

In the Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant exam, candidates are evaluated on their ability to efficiently create and modify tables within the platform. Tables serve as the foundation for organizing and storing data, enabling professionals to leverage its potential in various business contexts. This article provides a comprehensive overview of creating new tables and modifying existing tables according to the guidelines outlined in Microsoft’s official documentation.

1. Understanding Tables in Microsoft Power Platform:

Tables in Microsoft Power Platform consist of rows and columns, where each row represents a record, and each column represents a field or attribute. Tables play a crucial role in storing and manipulating data within the platform’s ecosystem. It is essential to understand how tables are structured and the best practices for utilizing them effectively.

2. Creating a New Table:

To create a new table in Microsoft Power Platform, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Data tab in the Power Apps or Power Automate portal.
  2. Select the “Tables” option and click on “New Table.”
  3. Provide a suitable name for the table and choose the appropriate data source, such as Common Data Service or Excel.
  4. Define the fields or attributes for the table by specifying their names, data types, and other relevant properties.
  5. Save the table by clicking on the “Save” button.

3. Modifying Existing Tables:

Modifying existing tables in Microsoft Power Platform allows professionals to adapt their data structures based on evolving business requirements. Follow these guidelines to modify tables effectively:

  1. Adding Fields: To add a new field to an existing table, locate the table in the Data tab and open it for editing. Then, click on the “Add Field” button and provide the necessary details, such as field name and data type. Save the changes to update the table.
  2. Removing Fields: To remove a field from an existing table, access the table for editing and locate the field that needs to be removed. Click on the field, select the “Delete” option, and save the changes.
  3. Modifying Field Properties: To modify properties of an existing field, open the table for editing, locate the desired field, and make the necessary changes to its properties. Common modifications include altering the data type, adjusting the field length, or enabling/disabling validation rules.
  4. Renaming Tables or Fields: To rename a table or a field, follow these steps:
    1. Open the table for editing.
    2. Select the table or field that needs to be renamed.
    3. Modify the name in the appropriate field.
    4. Save the changes to update the table structure.

4. Best Practices for Creating and Modifying Tables:

Maintaining good practices while creating and modifying tables in Microsoft Power Platform ensures data integrity and facilitates efficient operations. Consider the following best practices:

  1. Plan the Table Structure: Before creating or modifying tables, carefully plan their structure, identifying the required fields and their relationships. This planning helps ensure efficient data management and effective utilization of the Power Platform.
  2. Follow Naming Conventions: Adopt consistent naming conventions for tables and fields to promote clarity and maintainability. Use descriptive names that accurately reflect the purpose of each element.
  3. Validate Field Properties: While modifying field properties, validate the changes against the desired data requirements. Ensure that the properties align with business rules and predefined data standards.
  4. Document Changes: Maintain documentation for any modifications made to tables to aid in future troubleshooting, auditing, or collaboration efforts.


Creating and modifying tables within Microsoft Power Platform is a crucial skill for the Functional Consultant role. This article provides a comprehensive guide, incorporating insights from Microsoft’s official documentation. By following these guidelines and best practices, professionals can confidently create and modify tables, enabling efficient data management and empowering businesses to make informed decisions in the Power Platform ecosystem.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section


In Microsoft Power Platform, you can create new tables in the Common Data Service using the Power Apps app.

Answer: True


When creating a new table in the Common Data Service, you must define the primary key field for the table.

Answer: True


In Power Apps, you can modify existing tables by adding new fields to them.

Answer: True

Multiple Select:

Which of the following actions can you perform when modifying an existing table in the Common Data Service?

  • a) Rename existing fields
  • b) Delete existing fields
  • c) Change the data type of existing fields
  • d) Add relationships to other tables

Answer: a), b), c), d)

Single Select:

Which component of the Power Platform can be used to create and modify tables in the Common Data Service?

  • a) Power Automate
  • b) Power Apps
  • c) Power BI
  • d) Power Virtual Agents

Answer: b) Power Apps


In Power Apps, you can define calculated fields when creating or modifying tables in the Common Data Service.

Answer: True

Multiple Select:

Which of the following field data types are available when creating or modifying tables in the Common Data Service?

  • a) Single line of text
  • b) Whole number
  • c) Currency
  • d) Choice

Answer: a), b), c), d)

Single Select:

Which component in the Power Platform can be used to import data into the Common Data Service and create new tables?

  • a) Power Automate
  • b) Power Apps
  • c) Power BI
  • d) Power Platform Admin Center

Answer: d) Power Platform Admin Center


In the Common Data Service, you can modify the properties of existing fields, such as setting them as required or read-only.

Answer: True

Single Select:

Which of the following is NOT a way to create a new table in the Common Data Service?

  • a) Using Power Apps
  • b) Importing data from a spreadsheet
  • c) Writing custom code in Power Automate
  • d) Using Power Platform Admin Center

Answer: c) Writing custom code in Power Automate

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Noa Laurent
8 months ago

I really appreciate this blog post! It cleared up a lot of confusion I had about table modifications in Power Platform.

Sereno Aragão
1 year ago

When should I create a new table versus modifying an existing one?

Karl Hennum
9 months ago

What are the performance implications of adding new columns to an existing table?

Veera Hautala
1 year ago


Louisa Gautier
8 months ago

Is there a limit to the number of tables you can create in Power Platform?

Juliette Thompson
1 year ago

I need more examples of when to modify an existing table rather than creating a new one.

Antoine Campbell
1 year ago

Can anyone share their experience with using lookup fields versus creating new tables?

Becky Wood
1 year ago

This blog post is very helpful!

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