
Static website hosting is a valuable feature offered by Amazon S3 that allows you to serve static content (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images) directly from an S3 bucket. It is a cost-effective way to host simple websites without needing to manage the infrastructure typically associated with web hosting. Here’s how you can configure a static website on S3 for an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) exam perspective.

Step 1: Prepare your S3 Bucket

  • Create a new S3 bucket: Log into the AWS Management Console, navigate to the S3 service, and create a new bucket. The bucket name must be unique across all existing bucket names in Amazon S3. For example, if you want to host a website at, you might name your bucket
    Field Value
    Bucket Name
    Region (Select your region)
    Block Public Access Off
  • Enable public access: Since you’re hosting a website, the content needs to be publicly accessible. You need to disable block public access settings for this bucket.

    “Version”: “2012-10-17”,
    “Statement”: [
    “Sid”: “PublicReadForWebsite”,
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Principal”: “*”,
    “Action”: “s3:GetObject”,
    “Resource”: “*”

  • Upload files: Upload your website’s static files, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files, to the newly created bucket.

Step 2: Enable Static Website Hosting

  • Configure bucket for website hosting: Navigate to the bucket properties tab and choose the option to enable ‘Static website hosting’.
    • Hosting type: Select ‘Enable’ for hosting a static website.
    • Index document: Specify the name of your index document, typically index.html.
    • Error document (optional): You may also specify an error document, such as error.html, to display a custom error message to visitors when an HTTP 4xx class error occurs.
    Property Value
    Index Document index.html
    Error Document error.html
  • Bucket website endpoint: Once you have configured the bucket for website hosting, Amazon S3 will provide you with a website endpoint. This endpoint is the Amazon S3 provided website URL where your content will be available.

For example, if your bucket name is and your region is us-east-1, the endpoint URL will be something like

Step 3: Configure DNS with Route 53 (Optional)

If you have a domain and want to route traffic to your S3 website, you need to set up a DNS record with Amazon Route 53 or another DNS service provider:

  • Create a new record set: In the Route 53 console, go to the hosted zone for your domain and create a record set.
    Field Value
    Name (or your domain name)
    Type CNAME/Alias (based on your requirement)
    Alias Yes (if you want an Alias record)
    Alias Target Your S3 website endpoint
    Routing Policy Simple
    Evaluate Target Health No
  • Point domain to S3 website endpoint: If you’re using an Alias record, point it to the S3 website endpoint. If not, you will need to use a CNAME record if your DNS provider does not support Alias records.

Step 4: Test Your Website

After configuring the bucket as a static website and setting up your DNS records, it’s time to test your website by navigating to your domain name in a web browser. The index document should load, and if any error occurs, the error document you specified should be displayed.


Hosting a static website on S3 involves making the content public, enabling static website hosting, and configuring a domain name to point to the S3 website endpoint. This setup is an indispensable part of the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate (SOA-C02) exam knowledge base, as it demonstrates understanding S3’s static website capabilities and the ability to implement them. Remember to always follow best practices and security guidelines when hosting any content.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True or False: Amazon S3 can be used to host a static website with its own domain name.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: S3 supports static website hosting, allowing users to serve content over HTTP. Additionally, you can configure a custom domain name for your S3 website using Route 53 or other DNS services.

Which of the following is required to make an S3 bucket serve a static website?

  • A) Enable server-side encryption
  • B) Enable versioning
  • C) Enable static website hosting
  • D) Configure an IAM role

Answer: C) Enable static website hosting

Explanation: To serve a static website, you must enable static website hosting in the properties of an S3 bucket which allows your bucket content to be available via the public web.

Which AWS service can Route S3 website requests over HTTPS?

  • A) AWS Lambda
  • B) Amazon CloudFront
  • C) AWS Direct Connect
  • D) AWS Elastic Load Balancer

Answer: B) Amazon CloudFront

Explanation: Amazon CloudFront can be used in conjunction with S3 static website hosting to serve content over HTTPS. Direct access to an S3 website endpoint does not support HTTPS.

Can Amazon S3 provide a default index document for directories within a website?

  • A) Yes
  • B) No

Answer: A) Yes

Explanation: Amazon S3 supports a default index document for the root and subdirectories within a website.

True or False: When configuring an S3 bucket for website hosting, the bucket name must match the domain or subdomain name if you want to use a custom domain.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: For an S3 bucket to be used with a custom domain, the bucket name must match the domain or subdomain name.

Which of the following types of content cannot be served by an S3 website?

  • A) HTML files
  • B) CSS files
  • C) JavaScript files
  • D) Dynamic server-side scripts (e.g., PHP, Python scripts)

Answer: D) Dynamic server-side scripts (e.g., PHP, Python scripts)

Explanation: An S3 website can only host static files. Dynamic scripting languages like PHP or Python are not executable on S

True or False: When you enable website hosting on an S3 bucket, the bucket policy does not need to be changed to allow public read access.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: The S3 bucket policy needs to be configured to allow public read access to serve files for a static website, unless you are using signed URLs or Amazon CloudFront.

What is the function of an “Error Document” in S3 website hosting?

  • A) It encrypts the error messages for security purposes.
  • B) It redirects users to the index document when an error occurs.
  • C) It provides a custom error response to users when a specified error occurs.
  • D) It logs errors that occur when users access the website.

Answer: C) It provides a custom error response to users when a specified error occurs.

Explanation: The “Error Document” option in S3 website hosting defines the document to return to users for a specified error, for example, “html” for a 404 error.

True or False: S3 bucket policies alone can force HTTPS connections on an S3 hosted website.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: S3 bucket policies cannot enforce HTTPS because S3 buckets exposed as websites only support HTTP by default. However, you can use Amazon CloudFront to force HTTPS connections.

What DNS record type must you modify to point a custom domain to an S3 static website?

  • A) A record
  • B) CNAME record
  • C) MX record
  • D) PTR record

Answer: B) CNAME record

Explanation: A CNAME record is used to map a domain or subdomain to an S3 static website’s domain name. With the introduction of Alias records, you can also use an “A” record in AWS Route 53 to point the root domain to an S3 bucket.

True or False: It’s mandatory to disable S3 block public access to serve a static website from an S3 bucket.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: You must disable S3’s block public access feature to allow public access to the bucket content for website hosting. However, it is important to make sure that you only make the necessary objects public, not the entire bucket, unless intended.

To serve an S3 static website with CloudFront, what must the S3 bucket have?

  • A) A CloudFront distribution pointing to the S3 bucket
  • B) An ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) configured
  • C) An Elastic IP address attached
  • D) A VPC endpoint configured

Answer: A) A CloudFront distribution pointing to the S3 bucket

Explanation: To serve an S3 static website content using CloudFront, you must create a CloudFront distribution and set the S3 bucket as its origin.

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Greg Jordan
11 months ago

Great post on configuring S3 static website hosting! It was very helpful for my exam preparation.

Janne Sætren
9 months ago

Can someone explain why configuring bucket policies is necessary for S3 static website hosting?

Herma Genz
11 months ago

I followed all the steps, but my website still shows a 403 error. Any suggestions?

Susan Beck
10 months ago

Thanks for the walkthrough. Exactly what I needed!

Eloísa Oliveira
10 months ago

Very informative. Cleared up a lot of confusion I had.

Jocelaine Novaes
11 months ago

Is it better to use CloudFront with S3 for static websites?

Özkan Karabulut
9 months ago

Appreciate the detailed guide!

Slavko Nađ
11 months ago

My S3 static website works, but it’s very slow. Any tips to speed it up?

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