
Before you implement solutions, it is important to understand the causes of data skew. Common reasons for data skew include:

  • A non-uniform distribution of keys.
  • Large numbers of records mapping to a single key.
  • Discrepancies in processing times for different keys.

Detecting Data Skew

You can detect data skew by analyzing data distribution across different partitions. Services like AWS Glue can provide metrics on data partitions or you can write custom scripts to analyze key frequency and distribution in data stores like Amazon DynamoDB.

Strategies to Avoid Data Skew

There are various strategies to reduce or avoid data skew, each with their advantages and considerations:

Strategy Description Advantages Considerations
Proper Key Design Choose partition keys that are highly distinct. Minimizes hotspots Requires understanding data characteristics
Salting Add random prefixes or suffixes to keys to distribute them more evenly. Redistributes data across partitions May necessitate additional data processing steps
Data Partitioning Partition data into more granular levels. Better parallelism across clusters Can result in many small files, which could be suboptimal
Adaptive Query Processing Use query engines that adapt to data skew, like Amazon Redshift. Query engine automatically handles skew Engine-specific, may not be applicable in all cases
Combining Small Files Merge small files to reduce the overhead of processing many small files. Improves efficiency and reduces the likelihood of skew Preprocessing and/or periodic maintenance required
Scalable Systems Design Use systems that can automatically redistribute data, like Amazon Kinesis. Systems adapt to changing data characteristics in real-time Might require additional scaling considerations

Implementing Skew Mitigation Techniques

Let’s break down some specific case examples where data skew might occur in AWS services, and how to handle them.

Amazon Redshift

Redshift distributes data across all of its nodes according to the distribution style you choose. A common distribution style for reducing skew is ‘KEY’ distribution, where you specify a column whose values are distributed evenly. Here’s an example where skew is minimized by using an appropriate distribution key:

sale_id INT,
product_id INT,
quantity_sold INT,
sale_date DATE
DISTKEY (product_id);

In this case, the product_id is used as the distribution key because it’s assumed to be evenly distributed among sales.


In DynamoDB, you need to design your partition key effectively to avoid skew. In cases where skew might still occur, such as when using a popular item like a “User” table with a country as the partition key, consider introducing a salting mechanism:

Instead of this:

UserID Country Data
1 US
2 US

Do something like this:

UserID Country Data
1#A US
2#B US

Here, #A and #B represent salts that distribute the load more evenly.

AWS Glue

AWS Glue can suffer from skew when jobs process partitions of data from S3. To remedy this, preemptively partitioning the data uniformly across more buckets or keys can help. When reading from AWS Glue, make sure to optimize partitioning in such a way that the data across the partitions is as even as possible.


With Amazon Kinesis, if a particular partition key is causing a hotspot, consider using compound or hashed partition keys. This reduces skew by broadening the key space, which allows for a more uniform distribution of streaming data across shards.

Remember, when you’re dealing with real-time data, the skew can be dynamic. It’s essential to monitor data distribution regularly, and potentially adjust your strategies based on the evolution of your data patterns. This often means a combination of good upfront design and ongoing management, employing cloud-native tools and services that can help you to detect and react to skew in a timely manner.

In summary, data skew is a common issue in distributed data systems, and AWS offers a variety of tools and strategies to help you manage it. Understanding how to implement these mechanisms is crucial for a data engineer preparing for the DEA-C01 certification and will serve you well in optimizing data processing and storage solutions in AWS.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True/False: Distributing large data sets among different processing nodes evenly prevents data skew in a distributed data processing system.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: Even distribution of data ensures that no single node is overloaded, reducing the likelihood of data skew.

When encountering data skew in AWS Redshift, which of the following strategies can help resolve it?

  • A) Use the RANDOM distribution style
  • B) Use the EVEN distribution style
  • C) Redistribute the tables based on the join key
  • D) Ignore the skew since Redshift auto-balances the data distribution

Answer: C) Redistribute the tables based on the join key

Explanation: Redistributing the tables on a common join key can minimize skew by co-locating related data on the same computing node.

True/False: In AWS Redshift, setting the DISTKEY to a column with a high cardinality can exacerbate data skew issues.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: A column with high cardinality means it has a large number of unique values, which can cause uneven data distribution if set as the DISTKEY.

What AWS service allows automatic partitioning based on access patterns to address hot partition issues?

  • A) AWS Redshift
  • B) AWS DMS
  • C) AWS Glue
  • D) Amazon DynamoDB

Answer: D) Amazon DynamoDB

Explanation: Amazon DynamoDB can automatically manage partitions and distribute loads evenly among them to counteract hot partitions.

True/False: Overprovisioning read and write capacity units can act as a temporary solution to alleviate data skew in Amazon DynamoDB.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: Overprovisioning read and write capacity units provides a buffer to handle unevenly distributed workloads but is not a sustainable long-term solution.

Which of the following methods is NOT recommended for addressing data skew in distributed data systems?

  • A) Manually sharding data
  • B) Sampling data to identify skewness
  • C) Using a zipfian distribution when loading data
  • D) Increasing the number of reducers to parallelize processing

Answer: C) Using a zipfian distribution when loading data

Explanation: A zipfian distribution can aggravate data skew because it concentrates a large fraction of occurrences on a small set of items.

True/False: In AWS Glue, specifying partition keys that correspond to query predicates can help reduce data skew.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: Choosing the right partition keys ensures that data is evenly spread across partitions, aligning with access patterns and reducing skew.

Which method can effectively reduce skew while processing data with Apache Spark on AWS EMR?

  • A) Repartitioning using a custom partitioner
  • B) Decreasing the level of parallelism
  • C) Filtering out large data sets
  • D) Using broadcast variables for small lookups

Answer: A) Repartitioning using a custom partitioner

Explanation: Custom partitioners can ensure an even data distribution that aligns better with the underlying data characteristics, reducing skew.

True/False: The use of salting in hashing keys is a valid technique to reduce data skew in sharded databases.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: A) True

Explanation: Salting involves adding random values to keys before hashing to distribute entries more evenly across shards.

In the context of AWS Kinesis, which approach can help distribute ingest data evenly across shards to prevent data skew?

  • A) Writing data only to a single, heavily provisioned shard
  • B) Partitioning data across shards using a partition key with high randomness
  • C) Using the same partition key for all data
  • D) Ignoring shard key selection as Kinesis automatically manages data distribution

Answer: B) Partitioning data across shards using a partition key with high randomness

Explanation: Using a highly random partition key ensures that data is evenly distributed across all shards, avoiding data skew.

True/False: Introducing an intermediary data aggregation step can exacerbate data skew in a distributed processing pipeline.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Answer: B) False

Explanation: An intermediary aggregation step can actually alleviate data skew by reducing the volume of data before the shuffle phase.

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Burkard Eich
11 months ago

This blog post on implementing data skew mechanisms for the AWS Certified Data Engineer exam is very helpful!

Carla Benítez
9 months ago

Thank you for the detailed tutorial. Can anyone explain how to identify data skew issues before they impact performance?

Kiara Giraud
11 months ago

Great post! Does anyone have tips on balancing data distribution in AWS Glue?

دینا نجاتی

Thanks for the helpful information!

Andreia Spijksma
11 months ago

How do you handle data skew in an EMR cluster?

Mikael Aho
9 months ago

This blog is a game-changer for my study prep!

Robbert Oldenburg
11 months ago

Can someone explain how partitioning helps with data skew?

Ralph Gregory
10 months ago

Some strategies mentioned here are too basic for advanced data skew issues.

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