
Schema drift refers to the inconsistent structure or format of data over time, which can pose significant challenges in the field of data engineering. In the context of Microsoft Azure, schema drift can occur when the schema of data sources or data streams change without any prior notice or synchronization. This can lead to data processing and integration issues, affecting analytics, machine learning, and other data-driven operations. In this article, we will explore ways to handle schema drift in the context of exam Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure.

Understanding Schema Drift

The first step in handling schema drift is to understand the potential sources and types of schema changes. These changes can include the addition or removal of fields, changes in field data types, alterations in field names, or changes in the overall structure of the data. It is important to have a thorough understanding of the data sources and their schemas, as well as the possible changes that may occur.

Using Azure Data Factory for Dynamic Mapping

One way to handle schema drift is by using Azure Data Factory, which provides a set of tools and services for data integration and orchestration. Data Factory allows you to build pipelines that can handle different types of data with varying schemas. By using data flows within Data Factory, you can build data transformation logic that adapts to changes in the schema.

Data Factory supports dynamic mapping, which enables you to handle dynamic schema changes during data ingestion or data transformation processes. Dynamic mapping involves using wildcard characters, expressions, or external metadata to dynamically map the fields of incoming data with the target schema. This ensures that even if the schema changes, the data can still be processed correctly.

Let’s consider an example of dynamic mapping using Data Factory. Suppose you have a data source that provides customer information, including fields such as “CustomerId,” “FirstName,” and “LastName.” However, due to schema drift, the data source starts including an additional field called “Email.” Using Data Factory, you can handle this schema drift by creating a dynamic mapping in your pipeline. Below is an example of how you can achieve this with Data Factory’s mapping data flows:

<#-- Your HTML Code -->

In the mapping data flow, you can define the source and target schemas. When configuring the mapping, you can use dynamic expressions to handle the schema drift. For example, you can use the “Coalesce” function in a derived column transformation to handle the absence of the “Email” field in the original schema, like this:

<#-- Your HTML Code -->

This way, the pipeline can handle both the original schema and the updated schema with the additional “Email” field.

Using Azure Databricks for Schema Enforcement

Another approach to handling schema drift is to use Azure Databricks, an Apache Spark-based analytics platform that can handle large-scale data processing and machine learning workloads. Databricks provides robust capabilities to handle schema drift through its Spark programming model.

With Databricks, you can define and apply schema enforcement rules to ensure that incoming data adheres to a specific schema. Schema enforcement allows you to validate and reject data based on predefined schema rules, mitigating the impact of schema drift. You can define the schema using the Databricks DataFrame API and apply it during the data ingestion or transformation process.

Here’s an example of using Databricks to handle schema drift through schema enforcement:

<#-- Your HTML Code -->

In the example, you define a schema using the Databricks DataFrame API and apply it to a streaming DataFrame. By setting the `failFast` option to `true`, Databricks will reject any incoming data that does not conform to the defined schema, thus handling schema drift effectively.


Schema drift can be a common challenge in data engineering on Microsoft Azure. By leveraging tools and services such as Azure Data Factory and Azure Databricks, you can handle schema drift through dynamic mapping and schema enforcement techniques. These approaches enable you to adapt to changing schemas, ensuring the integrity and usability of your data for analytics, machine learning, and other data-driven operations.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

True/False: Schema drift refers to the changes in the structure or definition of a dataset over time.

Correct answer: True

True/False: Schema drift can occur when new columns are added to a dataset without updating the corresponding schema definition.

Correct answer: True

True/False: Azure Data Factory supports schema drift detection and handling without any additional configuration.

Correct answer: True

Multiple Select: Which of the following options can be used to handle schema drift in Azure Data Factory? (Select all that apply)

  • a) Mapping data flows
  • b) Azure Databricks
  • c) Azure ML Studio
  • d) Schema drift validation

Correct answer: a) Mapping data flows and d) Schema drift validation

Single Select: Which feature in Azure Data Factory allows you to define dependencies between activities and ensures their order of execution?

  • a) Data Lake Store
  • b) Data Flow
  • c) Control Flow
  • d) Pipelines

Correct answer: c) Control Flow

True/False: Azure Data Factory can automatically infer schema drift in datasets by comparing data preview snapshots.

Correct answer: True

Single Select: Which activity in Azure Data Factory is used to transform and shape data within pipelines?

  • a) Mapping Data Flow
  • b) Copy Data
  • c) Lookup
  • d) Get Metadata

Correct answer: a) Mapping Data Flow

Multiple Select: Which actions can be performed using Azure Data Factory’s schema drift validation? (Select all that apply)

  • a) Alerting on schema changes
  • b) Automatically updating the dataset schema
  • c) Rolling back changes made to the schema
  • d) Triggering data transformation workflows

Correct answer: a) Alerting on schema changes and c) Rolling back changes made to the schema

True/False: Schema drift validation in Azure Data Factory compares the schema of the incoming data with the schema defined for the dataset.

Correct answer: True

Single Select: Azure Data Factory is built on which underlying cloud platform?

  • a) Azure SQL Database
  • b) Azure Kubernetes Service
  • c) Azure Blob Storage
  • d) Azure Data Lake Storage

Correct answer: d) Azure Data Lake Storage

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Lilly Simon
1 year ago

Great article on handling schema drift in Azure.

Us Drizhenko
1 year ago

Can anyone explain how schema drift affects data pipelines in DP-203?

Viljami Heinonen
1 year ago

I appreciate the detailed explanation. Thanks!

Alexander Kristensen

Discussing how to handle schema drift is crucial for the DP-203 exam.

Rostun Babich
1 year ago

Good insights on proactive monitoring for schema changes.

Marlúcia da Luz
1 year ago

Really helpful post, thanks for sharing.

Eetu Koski
11 months ago

I found this blog lacking depth on schema evolution strategies.

Veronica Franklin
1 year ago

Can someone explain how Azure Data Factory handles schema drift?

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