
When working with large datasets in a data engineering project on Microsoft Azure, it is important to ensure data integrity and track progress during processing. This can be achieved through the use of configuration checkpoints and watermarking. In this article, we will explore how to configure these features in your data engineering pipeline on Azure.


Checkpoints are markers that indicate the progress of data processing. They allow you to resume processing from the point of failure in case of any issues or interruptions. Azure Data Factory provides checkpointing functionality that can be utilized in your data engineering pipeline.

To configure checkpoints, you need to define a storage account in Azure Blob storage where the checkpoint data will be stored. This storage account should be accessible by your Azure Data Factory. Once you have the storage account ready, you can configure it as a checkpoint location for each relevant activity in your pipeline.

For example, let’s consider a scenario where you are ingesting data from an external source into Azure Data Lake Storage. You can configure the copy activity in your pipeline to use checkpoints by specifying the checkpoint location as follows:

“type”: “AzureBlobFSSnapshot”,
“linkedServiceName”: {
“referenceName”: “CheckpointStorageLinkedService”,
“type”: “LinkedServiceReference”
“folderPath”: “checkpoint-folder-path”

In the above code snippet, “CheckpointStorageLinkedService” refers to the linked service representing the storage account, and “checkpoint-folder-path” specifies the folder path where the checkpoint data will be stored.

By enabling checkpoints, Azure Data Factory will track the progress of the copy activity and store the checkpoint data in the specified storage account. In case of any failures, the pipeline can be restarted from the last successful checkpoint, saving time and resources.


Watermarking allows you to mark the progress of data processing in a specific column. This is useful when you have incremental data updates and need to process only the newly added or modified records.

To configure watermarking, you need to define a watermark column in your dataset. This column should contain a timestamp or an incrementing value. Azure Data Factory uses the watermark column to identify the latest processed record during subsequent runs.

Let’s consider an example where you have a dataset with a timestamp column named “lastModified”. You can configure watermarking for this column as follows:

“watermark”: {
“value”: “@trigger().outputs.body.timestamp”,
“condition”: “lastModified > ‘@trigger().outputs.body.timestamp'”

In the above code snippet, “@trigger().outputs.body.timestamp” represents the timestamp value provided by the trigger that initiates the pipeline run. The watermark condition ensures that only records with a greater timestamp value than the last processed record are selected for processing.

By utilizing watermarking, your data engineering pipeline can efficiently process only the incremental data, reducing the processing time and cost.


Configuring checkpoints and watermarking in your data engineering pipeline on Microsoft Azure is crucial for ensuring data integrity and tracking progress. Azure Data Factory provides the necessary functionality to enable these features, allowing you to resume processing from the point of failure and efficiently process incremental data. By implementing these techniques, you can enhance the reliability and efficiency of your data engineering workflows on Azure.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section


Checkpoints in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 allow you to track progress and resume processing from a specific point in a data engineering job.

Answer: True

Single select:

Which Azure service can be used to configure watermarking during data processing?

  • a) Azure Stream Analytics
  • b) Azure Data Factory
  • c) Azure Databricks
  • d) Azure Synapse Analytics

Answer: a) Azure Stream Analytics

Multiple select:

Which of the following streaming sources can be used with Azure Stream Analytics for watermarking?

  • a) Azure Event Hubs
  • b) Azure IoT Hub
  • c) Azure Blob storage
  • d) Azure Data Lake Storage

Answer: a) Azure Event Hubs, b) Azure IoT Hub

Multiple select:

What are the benefits of using checkpoints in data engineering jobs on Azure?

  • a) Fault tolerance
  • b) Scalability
  • c) Data compression
  • d) Data deduplication

Answer: a) Fault tolerance, b) Scalability


Checkpoints can only be used in batch processing scenarios.

Answer: False

Single select:

Which statement best describes watermarking in data processing?

  • a) It is a technique used to ensure data confidentiality.
  • b) It is a technique used to track the progress of a data engineering job.
  • c) It is the process of adding a timestamp to data records to indicate their arrival time.
  • d) It is the process of removing duplicate records from the data.

Answer: c) It is the process of adding a timestamp to data records to indicate their arrival time.


Checkpoints in Azure Data Factory allow you to roll back processing to a specific point in time.

Answer: False

Single select:

Which Azure service allows you to configure watermark delays in data processing?

  • a) Azure Stream Analytics
  • b) Azure Databricks
  • c) Azure Synapse Analytics
  • d) Azure Data Factory

Answer: a) Azure Stream Analytics

Multiple select:

When configuring watermarking in Azure Stream Analytics, which options are available for defining the watermark delay?

  • a) Event time
  • b) Processing time
  • c) Partitioning time
  • d) Sliding window

Answer: a) Event time, b) Processing time


Watermarking can be used to handle data out-of-order events in data processing.

Answer: True

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Alexandra Singh
1 year ago

Great post on configuring checkpoints and watermarking in Azure Data Engineering!

Emily Mitchell
1 year ago

Can anyone explain the process of setting up a checkpoint in Azure Stream Analytics?

Nurdan Çatalbaş

What are the main benefits of using watermarking in data processing?

Kelly Kuhn
1 year ago

I followed the steps but still getting errors. Any suggestions?

Joshua White
8 months ago

How frequently should checkpoints be created for optimal performance?

Phoebe Daniels
1 year ago

Nice explanation! Helped me a lot!

Aleksa StanićStanković

Can we use custom watermarking logic in Azure Data Factory?

Jessica Harvey
1 year ago

Why is watermarking critical in streaming data pipelines?

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