

In the world of Microsoft Power Platform Developer exams, understanding various concepts and features is crucial for success. One such concept that plays a significant role in plug-in logic is the implementation of pre-images and post-images. In this article, we will dive into the notion of pre-images and post-images, their applications, and how they can be utilized to enhance the functionality of Power Platform plug-ins.

Understanding Pre-Images:

Pre-images, also known as ‘pre-entity images,’ refer to the state of an entity record before it undergoes any changes within a plug-in execution pipeline. They provide developers with the ability to access and analyze the values of entity attributes before any modifications occur. By utilizing pre-images, developers can perform comparisons, validations, or other necessary operations based on the initial state of the record.

To retrieve pre-images, Power Platform developers can easily configure them through the Plug-in Registration tool. By selecting the "Pre-image" option when registering a step, developers can designate the entity fields they wish to retrieve, giving them access to the original values before modifications.

Applications of Pre-Images:

  1. Data Validation: Pre-images enable developers to validate the initial state of records against certain conditions or business rules before any changes are made. This helps ensure data integrity and prevents unwanted modifications that may impact downstream processes.
  2. Field Comparison: Pre-images can be used to compare the values of specific fields before and after changes. By analyzing the differences, developers can trigger specific actions or workflows based on these comparisons, enhancing the automation capabilities of Power Platform solutions.

Understanding Post-Images:

Post-images, also referred to as ‘post-entity images,’ contain the state of an entity record after changes have been made within the plug-in execution pipeline. They allow developers to access and analyze the modified values of entity attributes. Post-images are particularly useful when subsequent actions need to be performed based on the changes made to the record.

Similar to pre-images, post-images can be configured using the Plug-in Registration tool. By selecting the "Post-image" option during the registration process, developers can choose the relevant entity fields they wish to retrieve, providing access to the modified values.

Applications of Post-Images:

  1. Trigger Additional Actions: Post-images offer developers the ability to perform additional actions based on the changes made to entity records. This could include triggering other plug-ins, workflows, or actions that are dependent on the modified data.
  2. Logging and Auditing: Post-images can be used to capture and log the state of an entity record after plug-in execution. This information can be invaluable for auditing purposes, compliance requirements, or tracking historical data changes.


Pre-images and post-images are essential tools that enable Microsoft Power Platform developers to enhance the functionality of plug-ins. By utilizing these images, developers can access the original and modified values of entity records, allowing for data validation, comparisons, and trigger actions based on specific conditions. Understanding the applications and configuration of pre-images and post-images is integral to passing the Power Platform Developer exams and harnessing the full power of the platform.

Answer the Questions in Comment Section

Pre Images and Post Images are used to pass data between plug-in steps within the same message pipeline. (True/False)

Answer: True

Which attribute(s) of an entity can be included as a pre-image in a plug-in registration?

  • A) All attributes
  • B) Only the attributes that are modified in the same message pipeline
  • C) Only the attributes that are required by the plug-in logic
  • D) None of the above

Answer: B

When registering a plug-in step, which of the following options determines whether a pre-image should be passed to the plug-in?

  • A) Secure Configuration
  • B) Execution Mode
  • C) Filtering Attributes
  • D) Deployment Method

Answer: C

What is the purpose of using a post-image in a plug-in registration?

  • A) To capture the state of an entity after the plug-in logic is executed
  • B) To pass additional data to the next step in the message pipeline
  • C) To trigger the plug-in logic asynchronously
  • D) To handle exceptions and errors in the plug-in logic

Answer: A

In a single update message pipeline, how many pre-images and post-images can be defined in a plug-in registration?

  • A) One pre-image and one post-image
  • B) Multiple pre-images and one post-image
  • C) One pre-image and multiple post-images
  • D) Multiple pre-images and multiple post-images

Answer: C

Which of the following can be used to access pre-image and post-image attributes in a plug-in code?

  • A) PreImage.Attributes and PostImage.Attributes collections
  • B) PluginExecutionContext.PreEntityImages and PluginExecutionContext.PostEntityImages collections
  • C) PreImage.GetAttributeValue<T> and PostImage.GetAttributeValue<T> methods
  • D) All of the above

Answer: D

Pre-images and post-images can only be used with synchronous plug-ins. (True/False)

Answer: False

For which message types are pre-images and post-images supported in a plug-in?

  • A) Create and Update messages
  • B) Retrieve and Delete messages
  • C) Associate and Disassociate messages
  • D) All of the above

Answer: D

Can the state of an entity be modified in the plug-in logic using a pre-image?

  • A) Yes, by directly modifying the attribute values in the pre-image
  • B) No, pre-images are read-only and cannot be modified
  • C) Only if the plug-in is registered in the Post-operation stage
  • D) Only if the plug-in is registered in the Pre-validation stage

Answer: B

In which scenario(s) is it necessary to include a pre-image in a plug-in registration?

  • A) When the plug-in logic requires the previous state of the entity
  • B) When the plug-in logic requires the next state of the entity
  • C) When the plug-in logic needs to handle multiple scenarios based on attribute values
  • D) None of the above

Answer: A

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Liliane Dufour
10 months ago

This blog post is really helpful! Implementing Pre Images and Post Images was a bit confusing, but this clarified a lot.

Clyde Stephens
1 year ago

Can someone explain the difference between Pre Images and Post Images in the context of a plug-in?

Mirjana Stanojević
10 months ago

Thanks for this detailed post. It cleared up a lot of my doubts.

Alfonso López
1 year ago

Is it possible to access both Pre and Post Images in the same plug-in?

Celestine Roussel
1 year ago

Caught a tiny typo in the post but overall very informative!

Emma Simmons
1 year ago

Could someone share a code snippet for accessing Post Images in a plug-in?

Tibor Warnecke
1 year ago

In some cases, Pre Images are enough. Has anyone else found Post Images redundant?

Noelia Durand
1 year ago

One of the best posts I’ve read on this topic. Thank you!

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